Whats your problem?

Whats your problem?

What would you say are the 3 biggest obstacles between you and weight loss?  Everyone’s weight loss issues are slightly different and I’m genuinely very interested to hear what yours are.  What are the reasons why you feel you can’t do enough to get...
Can You Do “INCHWORM”?

Can You Do “INCHWORM”?

Well, I wasn’t as good as I should’ve been at this. “Room for improvement” they’d say, haha. It was the “Challenge” section in the FATBURNER & SHOULDERS workout last week in On-Demand Workouts with Noelle.  Other options...
Is it good for me to repeat workouts?

Is it good for me to repeat workouts?

We know that doing the same workout time and time again can send you in the WRONG DIRECTION for weight loss. It can have all sorts of hidden dangers – and not only because of repetition. Yes it’s true that doing the same workout time and time again for...


BBC Radio Wales called me early this morning to ask if I’d be happy to give some advice on the Jason Mohammed show. They were discussing the obesity problem. Yours truly was asked to advise.  Lots of people listened which was just lovely of them! I was live...
Put Yourself on Autopilot to Weight Loss

Put Yourself on Autopilot to Weight Loss

Knowing how to do this can make your journey to weight loss, health, and fitness SO much easier.  Read on for my top tips on making weight loss not only easy but AUTOMATIC. I honestly had a moment when I could not find ANYTHING!   We’d just moved house. The...