
Well, this made me spit out my tea when I saw it on Facebook last week. It’s SO apt for me … and many women who are over 40, like me.  We keep on rocking our worlds, whilst aware that we are getting older, our reflection is changing,  and things are changing.

I think we should ALL whisper positives to ourselves as we fall asleep.

  • I think we should all be aware that as we progress into our 40s, 50s, and beyond,  our biology changes.  We go through menopause with all its hot flushes, mood swings, brain fog, and problems sleeping.
  • Our skin is saggier and less toned.
  • We feel weaker, just a bit.
  • Our faces change, wrinkles appear, and hair changes.
  • We maybe have less energy, and we need more rest.
  • Our families change, and all lives move on.
  • But you are still you.  You deserve to be here.

But I think we should ALL practice self-love like we never have before.

If you’ve had a sh*t day, then move on. Decide tomorrow will be better.

If you’ve been in an inexplicable bad mood, ask yourself if you like feeling like that.  And decide to change it.

If people around you are negative, pull on your invisible shield. It doesn’t have to get to you.

Do something every day that makes you feel good.

Seek out people like you who can help you.

Consider your strengths (they will be many).
Laugh more.

Smile often.

And “don’t sweat the small stuff” as they say.

YOU are a Rockstar!