So many are suffering from tiredness at the moment.  There may be many demands on you, and you feel time-short. We are all so “busy” with everything, all the time.  Lockdown for months has taken its toll on lifestyles, leaving new damaging habits which may not be good for you. Stress too can be draining, leaving you feeling empty and old before your time.  Burned out.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You shouldn’t feel tired all the time.  You can beat your tiredness, stop making excuses, think of all that you have to gain …. and restore yourself to the Real You  – starting TODAY.

Get Enough Sleep

The commonest cause of tiredness is lack of sleep.  Maybe you stay up too late – your “reward” for a taxing day might be watching TV.  Or you work too late, can’t switch off and you don’t settle.
We ALL need sleep.  It’s the time when our brains and bodies re-charge and rest. Our brains “buffer”. Our muscles rebuild.  Without sleep, we die.
Try to get to bed by 10 pm.  Switch off – wind down – relax for an hour beforehand.
You may not manage it every day, but have it as your Gold Standard.

 Eat properly

Getting that Healthy Balanced Diet is key to energy.  If you’re getting many of your calories from convenience food and snacks, that could well be a cause of your tiredness.
Too much sugar, salt, and chemicals are slowing you down/  You could, literally, be suffering from mild malnutrition.
Try changing just one meal to a homemade one, cooked from scratch.
Breakfast is a good start – porridge or real muesli with fruit are both a great way to start the day.

Drink Enough Water

How much water do you drink?  Just adding a couple of glasses per day might make you feel very very different.  Our bodies are over 80% water.  Without enough we get sluggish. Our skin starts to look dull. Our brains aren’t sharp.  And our digestion can get blocked, resulting in bloatedness and a yuk feeling.
Have just a small glass of water as you wake up, another at 11, lunchtime, mid-afternoon, and then before an evening meal.  Keep a tick chart and note how you feel after a week of it.

 Get Ways to Beat Stress

Stress takes its toll on us all.  If you feel like all you do is work – worry – work – and worry then you need something else in your life ASAP!
Think about what makes you happy.   It might be friends, pets, children,  fresh air, DIY, yoga, sport – it can be anything.   Once you know what it is, allow yourself time to indulge in it as often as you can.
It might be something as simple as just 5 mins of playing with the dog.  Or a call to a friend.  Maybe 5 mins outside in the sun with a cuppa. Or even an hour learning something new and exciting.
Then BREATHE! Turn off your screen.  Look at the sky. And take 5 really big slow breaths in and out. Think about where the breath comes from and where it goes within you.  Allow it to slow you – just for a few seconds.
Feel it everywhere.
Breath brings energy and life.

Reduce Alcohol

Many have come out of Lockdown with an alcohol problem.  This is real. It exists. If it’s you, cut it down now. It’s often purely social pressures that enable this to persist.  A little support, knowledge about how harmful it is,  and self-belief will help you drop or reduce your drinking.
Have alcohol-free days.
Alternate alcohol with water – sparkling is fine.
Use alcohol-free drinks in social situations.
Just feel you can say no – and find that inner peace.
There’s plenty of “Quit Lit” articles as it’s called, out there. There are also many online support groups of “Sober Curious” folks who are considering help.
I’ve recently heard of “This Naked Mind” – it’s a free group that has helped a friend of mine massively.  Her face is now no longer puffy, she’s glowing, slimmer, sleeping better – and looks fabulous.  She says it’s the best thing she’s ever done.

 Get Enough Exercise

If all you do is sit, then you need exercise!   You may just be tired all the time because your muscles – the engines and powerhouse of your body – have got a bit “rusty”.
Without use, they become smaller, flabbier, and no longer work well. Everything feels harder. 
That that gets worse as we get older too.
Get active again.  Find something you enjoy – something that makes you smile – something you can fit in. A daily walk is a great way to get yourself moving. It’s free and you can make it work for you.  Just put it into your diary and go.
No excuses.
There are plenty of online workouts now too.  You could even work with me!

 Cut Down Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake. It’s also addictive, a drug.  In our Coffee Culture world, please check you’re not having too much of it. Strong coffee and tea, after 7 pm, might well be the cause of your tiredness if they keep you awake.
Ask yourself if you really need it that strong?
Use a smaller cup.
Have your last one before 6 pm.
Try a water drink instead – try sparkling water and lemon, or with a little apple juice.

 Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Some people seem to have all their food in one meal.  This really isn’t the best way to eat.  It can create a “food coma” where you’re left sluggish and lethargic. It may result in bloating or constipation.   It will definitely also contribute to weight gain, and you’ll end up with that dreaded spare tire.
Eating a large meal late at night can also disturb sleep. You may go to bed on that nice full feeling – but then at 2 am, when all those calories are processed and hit your bloodstream, you can wake up feeling wide awake, and unable to rest again.  You’ll feel exhausted the next day.
It’s better for your digestion to eat your daily energy in smaller meals.  Most people work well with the classic 3 meals a day.
Others feel better on 5 or 6 smaller meals instead.  Find out which is best for you.

 Check Your Health

Finally, I should mention that ongoing tiredness could be a symptom of something more serious. If it persists, despite your efforts to beat it, it’s worth popping along to your GP and mentioning it to them.  Just to be sure.
If you feel that you need help or support with any of the above, please just CONTACT ME HERE.