Darker days, with Christmas on its way, can mean one thing.  I am in the middle of No Nonsense November with all my clients. So what’s this all about then – and how can it help you?  Read on, because you could still lose 5lb (and feel loads slimmer and happier) by Christmas.
No Nonsense November means what it says.   Get rid of the Nonsense in your life during November.   This might mean you just start to eat healthier and get more exercise.  But it might mean a whole lot more than that for you.  Which of these bits of “Nonsense” can you get rid of?
  • 💃If you’re trying to lose weight,  just reign in the high cal snacks now, and enjoy real healthy food,  3x daily.
  • 💃If you know you drink too much alcohol then do your body a favour,  and simply stop for a few days each week.
  • 💃If you feel bloated, stay clear of convenience and processed food more often.
  • 💃Know you can cook?   Then make something healthy and lovely for yourself from scratch.  If not get a recipe book.
  • 💃Stop making excuses and finding reasons to not do what you know you should do.
  • 💃Just go for a walk.  End of.
  • 💃Go outside every single day.  Even if only for a few minutes.  Take a moment to breathe some fresh air fully into your lungs.
  • 💃Prepare to say No occasionally if you’re too busy at work.
  • 💃Working from home?  Make sure you set boundaries for when work stops.
  • 💃If you’ve bags under your eyes, drop more sugar and get to bed earlier.
  • 💃Distance yourself from connections in your life who you know are toxic.  They are a drain.  Seek out good and supportive friends and family instead.
  • 💃Appreciate what you have at this moment, right now. Practice gratitude.  Stop feeling like you want more.  Chances are that you have enough.
    And YOU are ENOUGH.
We follow up our No-Nonsense November with a wonderful Guilt-Free December.  We will have earned it! Then we enjoy shorter workouts, plenty of stretches, and relax, as we prep for the Christmas break.
THEN we hit the new year with Challenge January to chase away the cobwebs and begin a wonderful clean slate.   You can get all of this if you decide to work with me Online.  
Don’t overthink it.   Just do it.  NOW.
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