 How to get MOTIVATED FAST!  
“I can start a diet or the gym. It’s great at first, but then 2 weeks later I just blow it. I honestly do not don’t know what happens. It’s every single time!”
If this is you feeling like a failure, please don’t despair. It’s really normal, and it’s not your fault.  You’ve actually discovered something about yourself.   You’ve actually proved to yourself that some things just DO NOT WORK for you. And that’s ok. 

There are 2 simple steps to the best technique for weight loss & fitness motivation.  Follow them to fire yourself up, get started ….  and make sticking to something child’s play! 

First things first.  You need to stop trying to do it that way.
Stop trying to diet.
Stop trying to get yourself fit with an activity that you’re making excuses NOT to do.
If you continue you’ll feel even more like a weight-loss failure than you maybe do already. 
If it hasn’t worked for weight loss and fitness so far, then it probably won’t just suddenly start.
Lifelong weight control is never about dieting.  (I can’t think of anything worse than being on a diet my whole life).
No, getting weight off and keeping it off permanently is all about Lifestyle. And more particularly, it’s about Feel-Good. 
People love to do things that make them feel good (obviously!)
The first thing to do is to find an activity you LOVE.  Whether it’s dancing, walking, aqua aerobics, cycling, gardening, bowls, climbing, trampolining, badminton … whatever. 
DECIDE which activity you know will make you smile.  And will have you rosy-cheeked and feeling fantastic afterward. 
And then you must simply make yourself PART of it. 
👩 Join something.
👩 Mix with people who already do it.
👩 Put some investment in yourself.
👩 Agree to DO something and get that accountability.
The benefits of this are vast – physically and emotionally.   
  1. You won’t have to make yourself do it. Clearly, it’s fun in itself so why would making yourself do it be a problem? 
  2. It’s active – so it’s using spare energy.
  3. Activity lifts mood and helps reset hormones, sleep, and appetite.  You’ll find yourself looking after yourself more.
  4. And your stress levels will reduce almost immediately too.
​​​​​Trust me you’ll feel 100 x better, happier AND you might just drop a dress size without even trying. 
Here’s an example … 
Every day, whilst I sleep, walk, work, eat … my own amazing On Demand Workouts with Noelle members are doing my workouts.  They all each decided they loved working out with me.  Maybe they had classes with me in the past. Or maybe they asked me for a FREE TASTER video. 
But they loved it. They knew it made them feel good. 
Then they asked to join me – for less than the price of a cuppa every day.
“Brilliant … really enjoyed that” (Tracey)
“Definitely energized – thanks!” (Meinir)
“Determined to do 3 this week” (Jenny)
“First workout in this new group done.. fantastic” (Angie)
“Brilliant Noelle, I feel very happy now “. (Linda)
None of these comments sound like someone who isn’t feeling better about what she’s just done. 
That could be you!   Take a look here.