
Someone asked me this week if On Demand Workouts with Noelle helps if your balance is poor.  The answer is YES it does.  And this story tells you why.


YES we do a lot of balance work, along with stability, strength and range of movement.

So ideally we don’t fall over.
But if we do take an accidental tumble,  we don’t damage ourselves too badly, AND we can get up again!

This screenshot, from workouts in the “Stretch, Balance & Yoga” section in my Group.


I once worked with a lovely lady who’d had a fall in a field, whilst walking her dog. She stumbled and fell, miles from anywhere.

Luckily, the only thing she hurt was her pride.  BUT she panicked when she realised that she found that once she was down, she literally could not get up!

She said was sitting in a field, dogs running around, and could not get herself easily up to stand.  She had nothing or no one to help her up.  She said the whole experience was awful, and never to be repeated.

Many of us use a “prop” to help us stand, even from a dining chair.  Next time you’re sitting down with people, try to notice what others do when they get up.

They’ll touch the table on the way up.

Or push themselves up from a chair.

If its a soft sofa, sometimes people use a sort or rock-back-and-leg swing, adding momentum to help them to get themselves out of the seat – often accompanied by an exclamation or a groan.

But the lady in question, sat sitting in the field?

Don’t worry, she’s not still there.  She DID manage eventually to get up.  But she was so scared by the fall experience that she very quickly did some research on Personal Trainers, found me, and got in touch.

She then lost some weight, which makes all movements easier.
She also learned ways to get up if you’re down. AND she massively strengthened her legs and back so that getting up off the floor became easier.

She ended up age 60+, toned, strong, fit and confident. What a pleasure to work with she was too.

You do not have to accept that ageing brings weakness.  You really can fight this natural process, and continue to add life and self-confidence every single day. All you need is to find out what to do!

Start with this top tip to make getting up easier.


  • Take a dining chair.
  • Sit on it with feet firmly on the floor.
  • Simply stand up and sit down on it, several times a day – try to keep your feet glued down and use your legs strongly.