You know the thing where you want to lose weight, so you eat healthily, move more and do ALL the things you know you should do for weight loss….. it’s all going well. But then cravings come along and you sabotage yourself?   You might even gain weight instead of losing weight?
THAT’S what I’m talking about today right here.
It’s a very good read and could give you that lightbulb moment so you can crack cravings forever.
Cravings. You know the thing where you want to lose weight, so you eat healthily, you move more, and you try your level best to do ALL the things you know you should do for weight loss…..
… but then cravings come along and you sabotage yourself?   THAT’S what I’m talking about today.
What things do you crave?  Is it sweet things, like cakes, chocolate, puddings, or maybe something like Haribo?    That’s me btw. 
Or are you a savory person – wanting crisps, pizza, cheese, crunchy salty nibbles?
Perhaps it’s alcohol – a nice gin, a glass of wine, a beer maybe?
Whatever your preference, you CAN help yourself to overcome the urge to eat the wrong things.
You know you don’t need to take on board these unnecessary calories.  And you know they’ll just go straight on to make your clothes that little bit tighter.  And you also know that when that happens you’ll feel just that little bit less confident in yourself.
But STILL, you find yourself indulging in them too often.
They can happen anytime.  But usually, in my experience, it’s mid-afternoon, or after an evening meal.

So what can you do about it?

I have a whole arsenal of weapons that I give to my clients to help them overcome this common problem.  But here are just 2 of the best.
Simple anti-cravings tricks to try today.
  1. Tell yourself that YES you can have the xxxxx that you want.   But you have to WAIT 20 mins.  In that time, your brain will kick into gear and you’ll probably talk yourself out of it.  Especially if you think about how you want to look & feel, clean your teeth, do some exercise, and/or drink a nice long glass of iced water and lemon.
  2. Make sure that every meal you eat in the day contains protein.   One thing for sure, if you’re “dieting” and having just a Ryvita, or a breakfast biscuit, or some salad for your meals, then by the end of the day your carb craving light will be shining brightly.  You will literally be unable to resist a trip to the kitchen.  Self-sabotage will be an inevitability, especially if you’ve had a long or stressful day. Eating a well-balanced, plant-rich diet will help you to lose weight.  Have 3 meals a day, with lovely natural proteins like lentils, nuts, eggs, beans, pulses, tofu, white meat, and/or fish at every meal. Drink a small glass of water 4x daily.   And tell yourself you can do it!
Of course, exercise also helps balance hormones and cravings and speeds up weight loss dramatically.  Ask yourself if you are active enough?


This is Sian.   She took me on holiday with her and she loved having me there.
Look carefully …. I’m only small. 🤣🤣🤣
Lovely Sian stayed at a resort with a fantastic gym.  But really she didn’t need all the equipment as she had me with her, on her phone.
Sian’s a member of On Demand Workouts with Noelle. So she can get my 30min workouts whenever she wants, wherever she is.   She loved her workout.  It was only 30 mins, made a grrrreat start to her day …. AND left her free to look and feel fabulous afterward.