Sinking Emotionally?

Sinking Emotionally?

READ SANDRA’S STORY Today is the beginning of my tenth week since attending your free taster class.  Thank goodness I made that call and spoke to you about how I was feeling, how much weight I had gained, and how I was sinking into a ‘bad place’ emotionally. I...
Tips For Beating Tiredness

Tips For Beating Tiredness

So many are suffering from tiredness at the moment.  There may be many demands on you, and you feel time-short. We are all so “busy” with everything, all the time.  Lockdown for months has taken its toll on lifestyles, leaving new damaging habits which may...
Confessions of a Weight Loss Coach

Confessions of a Weight Loss Coach

That’s me in my early days – 1990’s, Rhyl Leisure Centre. Do you remember those “Confessions of  ….” films in the 1970s? There were a bit cheeky – rude – so I was never allowed to go see them as I was a bit too young....