
I used to be the sort of person whose beliefs were all wrong.  I believed that an Avocado was fattening, and that sugar would give me energy  (crazy, yes). This was something which I’d once read in a magazine in my early 20s I think.

If you’re having problems with losing weight or keeping it off, please read on.


Here’s a neat little NLP task which you can do at home today, and acts like a Magic Cure for self sabotage if you feel you have no motivation and no will power.


Do you think any of these things?

ALL of these, and thoughts like them, are Damaging Beliefs. Today I tell you a neat way to help overcome thoughts and beliefs like these.

What you THINK is so important ….. and could be the cause of weight gain, loss of fitness and low self-esteem.


Your Beliefs about yourself are the mainstay of all that you do … and all that you think that you can do. They can be the cause of self sabotage on a very deep level, which you may not even realise is happening.


But a Belief is quite simply just a thought in your head that you continue to think. Beliefs are not necessarily true.

Its just that if you hear something enough times, you start to believe that it is true.


What you Believe is simply a construct of what other people have told us …. our parents, teachers, friends, family,  magazines, social media, TV and all the other ways in which we obtain information.
Some of what you Believe will be good.  For example, that our mums love us, and that the sun will come up tomorrow.  Those are all good Beliefs.


But other things that you Believe about yourself may be massively damaging.  You may believe that you are always going to be overweight, or that you are ugly, or stupid, worthless or without value.


These Damaging Beliefs are effectively “poisoning” your brain, and causing you to act in a certain way.


But there is an “antidote”.

 Here’s what to do 

  • Get a big piece of paper. Or work on the computer.
  • Make 3 big columns.
  • Column 1 – Negative Beliefs.
    Write down all the negative Beliefs that you have in the first column.
    Let them flow. It might take a while




*Be warned, this will make you cry and feel terrible, so pick your moment. 
(Trust me, its worth it.)

  • Column 2 – Where it came from.
    You may not even know where it came from … and what does that tell you??(What happens next is where the magic actually happens).


  • Column 3 –  You write the EXACT OPPOSITE.
    Write it in positive language, without using the word “not”.
    Write what you will be, not what you will not be.
    This is the “Antidote” , the magic cure to self sabotage.



I will always be fat          my mum           I will one day be slimmer
I am worthless               don’t know        I am the most valuable thing in my life


THEN, every day for 1 whole month, read out loud the ALL of the Antidotes.  Have them printed out around the house so that you see them everyday too.

Suspend your disbelief and doubt in Motivational Techniques.
Just do this, as often as you can.
Its a simple way to make you feel better, and can even change your life!

If you enjoy tasks like this I have many, many more for my Personal Training clients. CONTACT ME TODAY and let


me work my magic to help you solve your problems around poor self esteem, motivation and willpower!