
Please stop reading my (admittedly motivational and interesting) stuff about how to lose weight and get fitter easily.  

Please – just GET OUT of ‘thinking about it’ mode

Just ‘thinking about it’ does not equate to action and it certainly will not create results. 

Look…I agree on one level.

Preparation and due diligence are great, essential even, but I hear from so many people who spend waaaay too long doing that.

I hear from people who have been “thinking about it” for the last 1, 2, or even 5 years.

Still asking the same questions about getting started on one of my weight loss and motivation packages.

Still postponing their happiness.

Dare I say – still wasting their time really.

Why? What does it take to get what you really want out of life?

It takes ACTION

Not action later, action NOW.

Sorry, but let’s get to the nitty gritty here … and you know I tell it like it is ……

To get the body you want, to build your self confidence, to tone up, to maybe lose weight – you will have to CHANGE.

And to change you will have to do some things differently.  You may not want to do that at first.

But that is when the real magic happens and when that *REAL* and long lasting change floats into your reach.

If you have been ‘thinking about’ losing weight for a while, or have been stuck in the “I’ve really gotta do something about my weight” loop –

STOP the cycle of inaction and take control. 


  4 Easy Ways to Actually START 

Do these 4 things today to help you start.

(You’ll like this – no diets, no gym, just mindset)

1. Decide on one thing which you can do today which will take less than 5 minutes. Just one thing which is you moving the right direction.

  • Maybe a walk.

  • Maybe ask someone to buddy up and support you.

2. Do not even CONSIDER anything that might put you off – like joining a Gym, or a slimming club, or going on some vile diet, or missing meals.

Those are not on the list. Ignore ignore ignore.

Let the magic happen deep in your brain. Suspend logic. Give it time.3. Then, when you fall asleep tonight, imagine that YOU HAVE DONE IT and achieved your Goal!!

Visualise it. Feel it. Hear it.

How will it feel?

What will people say?

What will you wear?

(feel free to add your own)

4. Repeat the process every day for 1 week. Then see if you’ve switched!

This is a process of TRANSFORMATION.

Let the magic happen deep in your brain. Suspend logic. Give it time.

PS Start now. This works