
This will help you massively valuable with weight loss.

If you’ve ever looked at the scales and decided that you’re a failure, then PLEASE look at this.

It’s not my image, and I have no idea where it’s from so I am unable to thank them.

But this picture alone could be the ONE THING that keeps you ON TRACK with your weight loss, healthy eating, and fitness.

 “Muscle weighs heavier than fat,” they say.   This picture tells you what that actually means!

What it doesn’t tell you is that the person who has the 5lb of muscle instead of 5lb of fat will also have ALL of the following.

☺️ Great energy.

☺️ Lovely tone.

☺️ Fab lifestyle habits.

☺️ More self-confidence.

☺️ And a HUGE SMILE on their face.

Muscle doesn’t arrive by accident (unlike fat).  You have to actually DO something to get it.  Muscle is active tissue.  So to increase your muscle mass (and lose the horrible wobbly fat) you need to get more active.  You also need to have a (mostly)  good diet, rich in healthy protein and a lovely variety of plant-based yumminess.

But you don’t have to be a permanent resident at the gym to lose weight and inches.

And you don’t need to be either a vegetarian or a great cook to look and feel fabulous either.

But maybe you DO need some support and guidance.

I am Noelle Watson.  I have nearly 30 years of experience in helping busy women lose weight, tone up, and get fit without going to the Gym.

But, being 60 years old,  I also love to just chat.

Would you like to set up a quick call, and talk it through?  Find me on social media.

Or you can contact me HERE.