You’ve probably watched or heard of the TV weight loss programs like Biggest Loser and Celebrity Fit Club. Do you compare your weight loss results with theirs and feel like a failure?
On those programs, they manage to apparently lose like 7lb in 1 week … every week.  It can make you feel so frustrated if your own weight loss results are so small.
You lose 1lb.
Gain 2lb
Lose 3lb ….woohoo
Then zero
Then half a pound
Sound familiar?
It can be an emotional rollercoaster.
Here’s why what they did isn’t really the best way.
Why you should never ever compare yourself to them
And why what you are doing is exactly the right thing for real consistent weight loss – where pounds which come off,  AND STAY OFF.
 Slow Weight Loss is Best
  • Firstly – those people on those fat loss TV programs are in an unreal setting.  They are taken from their real lives and given a new situation.
    They are monitored daily.
    They do LOADS of exercise.
    Every mouthful of food will be controlled.
    It’s just not real life. Crikey I think I’d change lifetime habits too for a while if I knew the Nation was watching me.
  • Many of the people in the programs have a LOT of weight to lose.  You may not be the same.  Often obese people lose fast at first.
  • Those people will likely have had a truly terrible diet/lifestyle to enable them to gain that amount of weight in the first place.   Their change will be seismic.  Yours probably will not because you’re already trying to lose weight.
  • Large weight losses of 3lb or more per week are likely to be largely water.  It’s not real fat loss.  When the body is first made to change with more exercise and different food that’s often the first thing that happens.  It sheds water.1-2lb weekly is the best Weight Loss Goal.   Even if you got a lovely big kickstart weight loss at the start, don’t lose heart.  It will reduce to slow and steady … and that’s good.
  • Losing a small amount regularly will happen with a REAL LIFESTYLE CHANGE.
    Weight loss of 1lb per week … every week …. is a fantastic result.
Small weight loss results - Slow Weight Loss is Best
Let’s say you don’t lose weight each week.
You lose 1lb per week every other week.
So you get a net loss over a year of 26lb.
That’s NEARLY 2 STONE, but at the same time, you’re walking more, eating better, exercising 2-3x weekly, sleeping better, cravings & bloating have gone.

So you’re also LOSING INCHES and GAINING MUSCLE at the same time.

Trust me. Those 2 stones will look and feel like 4 stones.


 My Tips for REAL WEIGHT LOSS little by little
Just hang in there – little and often for the weight loss long haul journey.  Make these small chunks of change as often in your day/week as you can.
It really is like the Tortoise and the Hare.
Small weight loss results - You WILL LOOK FABULOUS
  • Tell yourself you can do this.
  • Set a small Activity Goal every day.
  • Have a healthy breakfast – muesli & fruit are a great start for an energy-filled day.
  • Make your own lunch for work.
  • Make at least one new healthy home-cooked meal each week.
  • Get up once an hour for 2mins a walk around.
  • Take a 15-30min walk every day
  • Do something else in the evening if that’s when you eat – exercise curbs cravings!
  • Join an exercise class  – get my support whenever you want for 50p a day. Getting support for weight loss is vital.  Be part of something. Get an expert Trainer who understands you and can help you make it happen! I am here for you.