I asked this question on Facebook yesterday and got an absolute flood of answers.   Which of them is most like you?  And … more importantly … what can you do about it?
When I asked on Facebook “What’s your single biggest weight-loss issue?”  I got a flood of answers.  You might empathize with some of these, the main topics people spoke about.
  • Temptation.
  • Lack of time to prepare.
  • Poor weekly organization.
  • Just love food / wine / chocolate / curry / crisps etc.
  • Self-sabotage / no self-control or willpower.
  • Comfort eating for stress or pain.
  • Blaming others.
  • Just cannot stop eating.

So what can you do about it?

So many different topics that you might think are un-answerable.
But there’s a key. There is a magic ingredient to add liberally to your day if you’re trying to lose weight, but struggling.  This shift of mindset can really make all the difference to your health and fitness motivation success.
Click into it properly and it will stop those excuses, willpower, and all other weight loss issues from affecting your success.
No more over-eating.
Limit temptation to those foods you know you shouldn’t have – like crisps, wine, cheese…
Helps to keep you on track with your weight loss when everything else fails.
This one ingredient is the  BIG WHY?
  • Ask yourself WHY you want to lose weight.
  • Why do you think you need to make this change?
  • Why are you unhappy with how you look & feel at the moment?
Be prepared to give this a lot of thought.  Make notes.   Do a brain dump on a piece of paper. Discuss with nearest and dearest if necessary. You need to get very very deep into your own thoughts sometimes to figure this one out.  
I have conversations with women all the time around this subject. They go something like this:

Let’s say you said that you just love food, and that’s why you can’t lose weight…   

Ok so you love food, but why not just eat less of it?  (This is obvious but you still don’t do it).

So why is that making you feel bad? 
It’s making you feel bad probably because your good intentions go out of the window as soon as something yummy is offered.  You don’t understand it.  You say you have poor willpower. You love that xxx too much. 

So why is that making you feel bad? 
It’s making you feel bad because you’re gaining weight. 
So why is weight gain so bad?
It’s bad because you don’t look or feel like you want to look.
So why are you unhappy with how you look now? 
None of your clothes fit anymore.  You have some lovely clothes … 
So why does that make you feel bad – you could just get some more? 
Well …. maybe …. its because you feel that you’re looking older … and your feel less confident …. and your friends all look better than you …..and you never get compliments anymore ….  and you feel like a failure … and you just feel frumpy, old and not like you anymore…  and you don’t know what to do about it.     (AND THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO CRY)
NOTE:  Until you get to a reason which is EMOTIONAL you have not arrived at the answer.
Until you reach a point in your questioning which makes you sink in the stomach, or maybe makes you cry.  Or the thought of not being able to lose weight makes you feel angry at yourself or like a complete failure.  Until you link your Goal to one of your emotions, in a way that causes you some sort of “pain”, you are not ready to be successful in consistently making lifestyle changes that will enable you to lose weight.

Just remember …

No one ever loses weight in straight lines.  If your weight loss is still not working, reframe it in your head.  All that’s happened so far, is that you simply haven’t found the thing that actually works.
That thing that works is out there – it does exist.   But so far you haven’t tried it.
My advice is to stop doing the things that in the past have not worked.
Try something new.  A different mindset. Think about it in a brand new way.
I am here to help.  Motivation for weight loss is my strength. My name is Noelle Watson and I love helping women 40+ to look and feel fabulous without going to the gym or dieting.  I have over 25 years experience  – and it’s my job.  😇
CONTACT ME NOW and tell me what’s going on with your reflection these days.  I can help you.