What would you say are the 3 biggest obstacles between you and weight loss?  Everyone’s weight loss issues are slightly different and I’m genuinely very interested to hear what yours are.  What are the reasons why you feel you can’t do enough to get fitter and/or lose weight?
Really thinking this through properly can help you to overcome it  Now, just so you know you’re not the only one, here are the 3 most common reasons people don’t get the weight loss results that they want.
For some, the biggest obstacle is finding the TIME.   You’re just too busy.
Work. Family. Parents. Pets. House.
It all goes round and round.
For others it’s COST.  Maybe you can’t afford to spend anything on yourself…, particularly at the moment.  I get that, totally.
Other women tell me it’s the EFFORT involved.  You just can’t find the motivation – or the energy – to even start.  And for some, they say “well who cares anyway?? “
How about YOU … what’s stopping you?
The lady in this picture is Caron. This picture was taken about halfway through her weight loss journey with me. She’s gone on to lose almost my entire body weight.
Caron’s issues were actually none of the above!  She had been trying to achieve her healthy weight by diet alone, because for various reasons she thought she couldn’t, or shouldn’t, exercise.
Activity just wasn’t really part of her life.
Her weight loss was great at the start due to her cutting her calories and dieting, following Slimming World techniques. But then her results stalled.  Frustratingly, her weight plateaued.
She told me “I really can’t eat any less”.  Read on to find out why.
 Inspiration is here!
This one will really interest you if you’ve read this far. Please listen to Caron’s story.  Just click here, or on her picture below.
You can do this.  And I can help you.
I can help you find Time to include some exercise in your life, without even putting on a pair of Trainers. Exercise doesn’t have to mean a workout.  There are other ways.
Money-wise, I really can help you get fitter and healthier for Zero Cost …. and you can work with me if you want to for just pennies every day.
And that effort thing …. YOU ARE WORTH IT.  The only person who can look after you is You.  It all starts and ends there.
Do it for yourself.
I can 100% guarantee that with a little change in your mindset you will be feeling like a different woman in just one month.
 Just tell me WHAT YOU NEED
I try to give people what they want and need. But sometimes I don’t get it quite right and miss out on something really important.
So you could really help me here.  Just tell me if there’s a subject that I can cover which will be of REAL HELP to YOU.
Please press Reply and just tell me what gets in the way for you.  What stops you from looking after yourself?
Is it a lack of time?
Or effort – do you think weight loss and fitness is too hard to do?
Or motivation?
Maybe money?
Or something else – like Caron?
Or is it something else?
Give me some details and I can personally help you.