It’s such a good question – what is your best gift ever? Was it something from your childhood? Something handmade lovingly by a friend?  A treasure from your partner. A picture from one of your kids? An heirloom from a loved one who is no longer with you? Or maybe something the Grandchildren gave to you?
Nope. it’s none of those.   Read on!

Your body is your greatest gift ever. You may or may not like it but your body is yours  … and it’s simply incredible.

Think about it – it’s a complex multi-system package all designed to keep you alive, regardless of how you treat it and what you throw at it.

Your body feels, senses, cares, believes, thinks, reacts, moves, lifts, creates, touches, kisses, protects, laughs, cries, works, sleeps, eats, drinks, grows, hurts, enjoys, rejuvenates itself … it enables you to Be YOU.

It’s quite possibly the single most taken-for-granted thing we own. It’s our everything – yet most of the time we give it no thought.  We don’t value it. We don’t appreciate how it works, and all that it does for us.  We don’t understand it.  In fact – most of the time, many abuse it.

Until that is…

We abuse our bodies until we have problems. Until its lack of efficiency affects the things we do in life. Until it makes us unhappy.

Why do we have a habit of waiting till we are in a “bad” way before we actually do something about it?

You might now be reading this and thinking …

“Right next year I’m going to do this, or I’m going to get Christmas out the way,  then I will work on my body, health, fitness, weight!”

How many times have you said that before and got to the end of the year having achieved nothing or very little?

In over 25 years of helping people get the weight loss and fitness results they want, I have heard this SO MANY TIMES…

“I wish I had done this sooner”

We seem to either be wishing for more time or wishing we hadn’t have wasted it.

Above all, with my clients’ successful weight loss stories, their tone, and shape results, one thing always stands out.

And that’s how flippin’ fabulous it is to feel well, to feel healthier, have more energy, and to be happier and more content with yourself.

I’m aware that some will never really know that feeling. And that’s fine – it’s all personal choice. I know some will try many different things to lose weight and get fit.   And some will maybe work. And some probably won’t work.

If you’re reading this and thinking – yeah, I’ll just get Christmas out of the way before focusing on Me –  then STOP.

Put yourself first.

Put yourself first – right NOW.
I’m under no illusion –  most will still wait till after Christmas.   But why not make the commitment to yourself before January?


I have a brand new 3 Day FREE CHALLENGE starting on January 10th, 2022.  Here’s just a teaser – you can get this in your diary now.
  • Get 3 BRAND NEW WORKOUTS just for your butt!
  • Learn how to shape up for the year ahead – in just 10 mins a day.
If you want me to send you more info ahead of just contact me here and say ME ME ME.   I will add you to the list so you get more info as soon as it’s released.
Do it now. Then you can enjoy Christmas knowing you are taking care of your Rear in the New Year.