
Read my simple Post Pandemic Weight Loss Action Plan.   Here are 8 easy ways to lose half a stone very fast.

You know it.  You’ve gained weight.  You don’t need to stand on the scales to get the proof.  You just put on your jeans and there it is.

  • 😔 Bulging over the top.
  • 😔 Clothes feeling tighter than they used to.
  • 😔 You’ve both lost tone AND gained some pounds.

Maybe you gained a half stone.  Maybe a full stone – OMG you might realize you’re a “Corona Stoner”. 😱

Let me say this first.  This is probably NOT YOUR FAULT.

You’ve been through so much with the Lockdowns and the Restrictions.  Your freedoms, your family,  your “normality, in fact, all the stuff you took completely for granted, were all taken from you.  You maybe couldn’t even go out to work.

If you did go out to work you were one of our amazing Keyworkers and putting up with a huge workload and stress.

(All this, not to mention the grief and the loss that so many are still going through).

  • No, this is not your fault at all.
  • Your world was turned upside down.
  • Maybe you comfort ate?  Maybe you drank too much?
  • Sat down more than normal?

Remember, those times were not normal. Let me help you recover your shape now.

Here’s your Lockdown Stone Action Plan

  1. Take a good long hard look at your body. Decide exactly what you want to put right.  Never ever lose sight of that goal.
  2. Take a photo – front, side, back.
  3. Weight loss is a formula.
    More Movement + Healthy Eating.
    Decide what you’re going to change.
    Do a deal with yourself.
  4. Every day a little more movement.
    A walk – dance to music – exercise class – gym – run – bike – housework – stair-climb – gardening.
  5. Every day eat more healthily.
    Make your own food more.
    3 meals a day.
    80% of the time you eat healthy meals  – plant-based.
  6. Stop or reduce alcohol, most days of the week.  You decide when.
  7. Make yourself accountable to someone.  Maybe join a Group. Tell people.  Get support.
  8. Remember it’s worth it!

Special Offer THIS WEEK ONLY  

JOIN On Demand Workouts with Noelle NOW.

Guarantee your weight loss success with the magic combo of healthy eating plus exercise.  It’s the only way to lose weight permanently. 

My clients have lost up to 16lb in one month with this.

  • 🙋‍♀️ Online Workouts – whenever you want.
  • AND
  • 🙋‍♀️ 28 Day Eating Plan and …
  • 🙋‍♀️ 88-page Recipe eBook for FREE.   Regular price £38
You don’t have to go out anywhere to exercise.
You can do that anytime at home – with me!.
It’s very easy.
And very cheap.
Join this week to get the Food Planner too!

If you’ve been on the fence on this please take a look here NOW.

Get the weight off.
Keep the weight off.

Join us in the next 7 days and claim your FREE HEALTHY EATING PLAN

OFFER EXPIRES 6pm Tuesday 27th July