Well, it’s a Happy Birthday to us and I am celebrating with a gift for you of a Free Workout.   Exactly 1 year ago this week I started teaching “FREE Live Workouts with Noelle”. I did it mainly for myself tbh … being the start of Lockdown and all that.
Little did I know then what I know now…
Home Workout With Noelle Watson
That starter online keep-fit Group which began on March 28th developed to become 1.6k strong. The workouts were being followed by literally hundreds of people every time I went live.
People loved the way it made them look & feel. So I developed it further  – with an extra class per week in a new Members Group. And that second Group now provides non-stop, unlimited min workouts to do anytime you can fit one in. With no tie-in or contract. The people there LOVE IT!!
It’s one of the best Groups I’ve ever had in my 25+ years in fitness!
As a celebration of it all, I’m bringing you a present.  Your FREE BUM CHEEK WORKOUT is here.  It’s a gift straight from my Live Workouts with Noelle Facebook Group – usually available for members only.  I hope you love it as much as they did!
Your Free Workout Beautiful Bum Workout
This little 30min Home Workout was loved so much last week by my Members that I thought I would bring it for you guys too. You get Home Workouts like this one.
It’s multi-level. 
Do it anytime (just like all the other exercise videos).
And this one is Complimentary to you,  Let me know how you get on with it.
⚡️⚡️  Find out here what the Workout Group can do for you. ⚡️⚡️