

People come across magic weight loss cures every day. I get asked regularly Should I eat this?

95% of the time I just say NO. In my opinion, it’s quite simply some rubbish folks are trying to make money from.   Honestly, it makes me so mad that people are being given false hopes, only to be disappointed and feel like a weight-loss failure.  You know the type of thing – maybe you have had stuff like this in your cupboard…?

  • Slimfast
  • Probiotics – supplements and yogurts
  • Boom Bod
  • Skinny Coffee
  • Optifast
  • Herbalife
There’s loads of ’em.
If you do try these, or you have them in your kitchen, don’t blame yourself. People are being misled into spending £££ on stuff that won’t work long-term (yeah, I know I’m at risk of making myself unpopular here).
It’s not your fault. You want a magic bullet for weight loss and you’re prepared to pay for it. I get that.  Weight loss requires time and change – and all too often, you’re not willing or able to give or create either of those.  So of course, if someone offers you a shortcut you’re gonna be tempted.   I would too.
The thing is, these weight loss fads and supplements probably won’t work long-term (ie, actually get the weight off and keep it off permanently)  AND they may be damaging and make you feel worse physically and emotionally too.

Basically, if a weight loss product or supplement seems to good to be true, then it probably is. 

But …
There is actually this one thing that lots of people are raving about
And this IS worth adding to your kitchen.

What is it…?

You need to get some  Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).
Including it in our diet makes us healthier inside. It’s a natural probiotic with not only feeds the gut but also allows those seeds to grow.  We know that getting that healthy microbiome this way is the key to having a naturally healthy weight, less bloating, and more energy.
Unlike all the above “rubbish”, ACV has been actually proven to help us in many ways – lowers cholesterol, improves gut bacteria, reduces inflammation so helps with arthritis, stabilizes blood sugar ….and more.
Get the organic one “with mother”. It’s kinda cloudy because it’s fermented.  I get mine in Tesco. It’s not expensive. Keep it in the fridge.
Apparently actress Scarlett Johanssen washes her face in the stuff. (I wouldn’t do that by the way. Its very acidic.  Similarly I would NOT make it your go-to drink either, for the same reason).
Aristotle swore by it.
Sir Ranulph Fiennes allegedly attributes his arthritis control to having it daily.
But remember…
Drinking it by the gallon is NOT going to help you lose weight. If you eat donuts and sit on the sofa all day you will still look and feel rubbish. You know that.  You have to get moving too.
  • Add it to salads.
  • Toss leaves in it.
  • Use a tiny bit every day
And GET MORE ACTIVE.   You can work with me here today…

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It’s very easy.
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If you’ve been on the fence on this please take a look here NOW.
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