Never Go Back To The Gym Again
Whilst gyms aren’t opening this week, it will happen soon.  But already, my Members are saying that they are very very happy doing what they do now. They tell me they’ll never go back to the gym again.  They love exercising at home with me in Live Workouts with Noelle. 
Just like we see people now enjoying the benefits of working at home, so exercising at home has gained popularity too.
Let’s face it, exercising at home has so many bonuses.
  • Save time as there’s no travel.
  • It’s cheaper – mine is just 50p a day.
  • You can access your workouts whenever you feel like it, or it fits in with you.
  • Cherry-pick which workout you do.
  • You can wear whatever you like – no intimidating dress-code!
  • It’s carbon-friendly too.
  • There’s no child-care issue.
  • It saves money on home heating.
  • You can take it on holiday with you.
  • Plus it’s Covid Safe – no sweaty crowded room or gym.The New Way to Exercise
We know that habits started during the pandemic are likely to out-last the pandemic.
It only takes 6 weeks or so to form new healthy habits. And we’ve had 52 long weeks now to find new ways to stay active and happy.   Who knows, your daily walk or run might be something you do for the rest of your life now.  And the health benefits of that are absolutely huge.
We know that people are re-jigging their homes to enable easier working from home.
Folks are de-cluttering to maximize space, or even considering moving out of the towns for a better quality of life now their work-life is no longer office dependent.
And so it is with home fitness.
Wi-fi & Broadband systems have been boosted.
Casting video workouts onto a TV screen is commonplace.
We all know how to get to a Zoom Workout.
Unused bedrooms have become home gyms or studios.
And the sale of home exercise equipment, mats, and bikes has gone crackers.
Working out at home is the new way to exercise.   And it’s future proof – you won’t get chucked out if/when we get another Lockdown.
And sometimes this happens too… 😂 😂 😂