
Believe it or not, giving up wine, chocolate or takeaways are not the first things that you should do when you start your health and fitness journey. There’s the first step to take which many miss out, with disastrous consequences of weight loss failure down the line.

Health and fitness are never just about what you eat, drink, and do  (although those are hugely important).  Before you can even get to diet and activity, you have to tackle the issues underneath.  And that’s the issue of the thoughts in your head.

Your mindset.  What you THINK.

What are your deep-down beliefs about your weight and fitness?
Are you telling yourself the right things?

Are you damaging yourself with the words you say to yourself in your head?

How can you stop cravings?

How can you rise above the stress in your life?
How can you just get motivated – and stay motivated?

So how do you address issues like that?   Surely all that stuff will just get better if you just lose a stone, won’t it?

The truth is, yes you would feel better if you just lost a stone (probably).  But you wouldn’t have the tools to keep it off.  And that’s the key to health and well-being over 40.  Knowing how to do it easily so the new healthy habits stick.

You want to get the weight off and keep it off … without really trying.

When someone comes into my diary as a client, they start to receive my weight loss support in many ways. One of these is my “Mojo Mail”, a daily whispering of health focus and inspiration from me into their inbox.  This is one of the ways I help them to make inner changes that will reflect into changes they can see in the mirror.

My Mojo Mail is a steady stream of tips, hacks, inspiration, education, motivation, and ideas so that you can tackle your each and every day with energy, positivity, and strength. It’s making the mindset work in your favor.

Without the right mindset … without the right help with the thoughts that you think …. any recommendations for eating healthily, getting more active, and making lifestyle changes will eventually fall on deaf ears.


I hear almost every day from people who LOVE them.
They contact because that one message, on that particular day, has “spoken” to them…

      ” Wow, that was well-timed. 

        How did you know I was  thinking that today?”


Some people print them all out and keep them.

A little Mojo Bible if you like.

  • Decide exactly WHY you want to get fitter and healthier … what’s in it for YOU.
  • List 3 ways that weight loss will make you FEEL better in one year’s time.
  • Analyze your own negative thoughts about it … why you think you can’t do this.  Question yourself thoroughly. Where did those thoughts/beliefs come from?

Addressing mindset is like the farmer, fertilizing soil rather than sowing seeds onto the infertile ground.   We make the foundations good before you build the house!

Let me help you to understand your own mind.  Just contact me here and tell me where you think you self-sabotage with your weight loss.