Many say that the News is so depressing and stressful at the moment. Not sleeping, belly in a knot, feeling sad all the time because of the truly dreadful situation over in Ukraine. It’s a true feeling of helplessness. 
I’m the same.
Tears whilst watching the news just the other day. 

Basically, many of us are watching a full-scale war with all its awfulness through an App, accessible at any point on any day. 

This is more than the average human spirit can do. 
Your mental health is happiest when you can control, progress, build, move, and develop.  Watching the atrocities in Ukraine is not only a situation that is out of your own control.  But you’re also watching other real people just like you in a truly desperate situation, and feeling their own anguish. 
It’s a double stress whammy that can seriously affect you. 
 Here’s my advice 
You’ll know when you’re stressed.  You might feel anxious, or scared. You may not sleep properly, or even have nightmares. You might get sugar or alcohol cravings, wanting to comfort eat or drink.  Stress can cause high blood pressure, a racing heart, panic attacks. We
know stress is very bad for our mental and physical health. Stress can also cause overweight. 
It’s the feeling of helplessness that is the worst.  And the feeling that you can do absolutely nothing is a really common cause of stress.  
Get proactive today.  
  • Tears are normal. Its thought that crying stimulates the Parasympathetic Nervous System, and can help the brain process, calming and soothing you after a few minutes.  Tears on your cheeks also alert people around you that you need support. They will often elicit a hug which can also help. Once you’ve shed some tears it proves that you are a real fully functional human being who is capable of great things. (However, if tears are dominating your day that you know you need to get some help).  
  • Try to create some distance between you and the news.  Have breaks from it.  If it’s “always-on” in the background at your home, radio, TV, all notifications, etc, then I’d suggest you have periods where it all turned off.   
  • Stop “doom scrolling”.  I know you can imagine what that means.
    I get that you want to know what’s happening.  But surely not at the expense of your mental health? 
  • DO SOMETHING for the people of Ukraine.
    Donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee – however small.
    Call a friend if you know they have relatives who are affected.
    Send a parcel of items that they need.
    Just make yourself a part of the solution as much as you can. Use your spare time usefully.  
  • Take time out for yourself. Whether that’s a walk, a good book, a film, or time with friends, or whatever, it’s important that you feel you are still “allowed” to live your life despite what is happening.  It’s not selfish. Replenishing your own soul will enable you to become a better human being, and to help others all the more.
Me writing this to you now is simply me doing what I can to help.  If I can help you to cope better, so you can yourself help others,  then I consider that a personal goal achieved for me this week.  
  NOW help Ukraine like we did. 


I simply put a Collection Box out at Feeling Fabulous Club.  My amazing ladies together donated £300. I paid it into the Disasters Emergency Committee.  They claimed Gift Aid, increasing it to £350. 

And then the UK Government AID MATCH scheme matched it,
doubling the amount to £700.  If you donate, please do it this way as it makes more for the Fund.

You can donate quickly and easily here.   Tick for Gift Aid if you’re a taxpayer.  Then let the Govt double your amount with Aid Match. ​​​