

My confidence nightmare - ways to self confidenceWe went to Ludlow last week.   Before we went  (and let’s face it was just a 3-night break at a little Airbnb) I was panicking.  It wasn’t that I was meeting royalty or anything.  But I went through absolute agonies trying to decide which clothes to take …. should I buy more walking trousers …. do I need a waterproof hat….. what on earth shall I wear to the pub as it might be hot/wet/cold/windy/posh / country ….. and I haven’t worn any of it for over a year so what does it all look like now ….. last-minute try-ons aaaaagh. 
Yep, it was massive indecision and under-confidence of the finest sort.  I really wanted to go.  There was actually a little piece of me that might have stopped me from bothering.
I hear I’m not alone.  It’s all over social media.  Women feeling not themselves anymore.  Declining invites.
Making excuses not to go out. Even though now you can.
Maybe you feel the same?.
It might be you feel you need to lose weight...
(You’ve read my blogs before about weight loss.  It’s not just weight loss is it … it NEVER was just weight loss … it was always more.  If this underconfidence was just weight loss life would be simple).  
No, I believe this pervasive lack of self-confidence is far more complex now, as we come out of  Lockdown.
You haven’t been seen in public for months and months.  And you’ve changed…
It’s probably not just that your clothes might feel a bit tighter now.
Your hair might have changed.  Maybe a bit longer – a bit more grey?
Fashion has changed … you might want some nice new clothes?
If you’re like me you’ll feel like you’ve aged more than a year, in a year.
And lost some muscle tone maybe, got a bit more flabby?
So your confidence might be low.  Well, not just low, but very low.
Self-esteem can depend on how you think others perceive you.  And that requires feedback.    And let’s face it … lockdown ensured that no one has been saying to you “Oooh you look lovely today, what’s your secret” have they.
That isolation, coupled with the “perfect lives” that many others seem to have on social media, can pile on the pressure and leave you feeling unnecessarily emotionally vulnerable.
Here’s how to boost your self-confidence in 3 easy steps.



First, work on your posture.   Stand in front of a mirror.
 (This is all about the gaps, and tiny adjustments).
  • Put your weight evenly on both feet.
  • Then … and this is key …. lift your sternum to create a gap between your highest ribs.
  • Then pull in your stomach muscles a bit.
  • Now make another gap between the tops of your shoulders and your ears as you drop your shoulders back and down.
  • Now pull up the back of your head to drop your chin, lengthening the nape of your neck.
  • Next, tilt your bum very slightly underneath you to lengthen the line of your lower back. This helps flatten a tummy.
  • Then stand as tall as you can to create the feeling of length along your entire spine.
  • Now put a gleam in your eye, like you’re the queen of all your survey. TRUE STORY.  One of my clients did exactly this the day she went into M&S cafe and decided not to sit at the back as she had in the past. She said she picked up her tray and wove through all the people sitting, head up, eyes shining, happy that they were all looking at her. She felt the best she’d felt since her beloved husband had died …. and she looked $1000,000 as she’d lost 4 stone working with me.


  • Get your hair cut if it needs it.   You’ve known your hair long enough now to know what style suits you.
  • Then work on your face. Not so much that you feel glam. But just enough to feel like you’ve made an effort. Add some blusher if your skin feels pale and wan after lockdown.  Maybe treat yourself to a new lippy or mascara.  Or self-indulge in a hydrating facial masque.


Wear a colour that makes you look good. I’ve worked with a few Colour Analysis coaches and love what they do. Its well worth the investment, trust me.Choose your colours wisely - ways to self confidence

If I wear a colour that doesn’t suit me I feel terrible in it.
I wear colours which are “Soft, Cool & Deep”.
Dark Royal Blue yes – pastel blue definitely not.
Deep charcoal yes – black never ever near my face.
Ash brown yes – yellow or orange make me feel awful.
Deep purple yes – bright vivid pink ….god NO!  💩
Wrong colours next to your face can make you look and feel about 20 years older.  And that’ll do nothing for your confidence!
Colours that work for many include true red (Richard Branson got it right with the brand colours for Virgin Air).   And also a teal.  That’s gorgeous for lots of us. Exercise wear colours are limited, with the exception of a turquoise colour. It’s no surprise that I wear teal or turquoise a lot for work. 
Which are your best colours?



I’ve genuinely lost count of the numbers of clients who tell me that they feel so much more confident when they’ve lost weight and/or toned up. I could tell you so many stories … in fact, one of these days I will!
Confidence booster - ways to self confidenceCan you imagine how you’d feel if you had a result something like this?   This amazing lady worked with us. She ended up looking and feeling a full 15 years younger, through regular exercise, walking, and healthy eating.
And YES – hell yes – she felt so much more confident!!
You can work with me ONLINE and get results like this.   Beverley, Sue, Beth, Sian and so many more (90 members) are loving my members-only Facebook Group Live Workouts with Noelle
Any questions, just ask!