If you were getting people to build you a new house, would you necessarily choose the cheapest ….?
There’s an elephant in the room here.  These days of higher prices and dwindling useable incomes, people are trying to get things cheaper. Or even get them for free.  This works for some … but there are dangers.
There are loads of free online workouts available and I know what they’re like. I watched a woman in California just yesterday doing basically an impossible yoga workout.
I spent a LOT of time trying to guess her age … probably about 23 …
she’d been doing yoga for several years too I’d guess.
She was SO bendy. It was amazing.
Then I started envying the location and wondering if that beautiful balcony overlooking the Ocean was hers.
But all of that meant I wasn’t concentrating on doing the stuff properly.
And that gorgeous young woman certainly did NOT have any idea that my 60-year-old body wasn’t quite as lithe as her own … she gave me no options at all.
I was ok with that as I kinda know a bit about what to do exercise-wise, having taught it for 30 years.
But so many people wouldn’t be.
Folks might try to achieve something that they’re not ready to achieve … and injured the first time they exercise.
To get to my point.
Yes, it is true. There ARE loads of workout videos for free online. And if it’s all working for you, and you’re committing, regularly, and having fun, getting great results then please don’t bother reading more.
But here’s the thing.
Saying “I’m going to do workouts online” is very very different from actually DOING workouts online, regularly and consistently,  so that you get ACTUAL RESULTS.
You’re busy.
You have a job.
You have people you care for.
You have to run a household.
You have to do the washing, make sure there’s a meal on the table
walk the dog
decorate the living room,
spend some time doing things you love
see your friends
get your hair cut ….
It goes on.
Yes, there are many reasons not to exercise. Some would call them excuses not to exercise.
So really you HAVE TO HAVE what we call some “skin in the game”.
In other words, it’s good for you to actually invest in something to value it … and use it properly.
(think about how differently you’d treat a cranky old Ford Focus someone gave you, compared to a brand new Rolls Royce you’d bought yourself).
TBH, I hate to say this, but if someone is regularly giving workouts absolutely free then it’s probably not great quality …
(everyone made an exception in Lockdown btw – me included. )
Making sure you have some “skin in your game” is about making yourself Accountable.
It might not be a lot. It might not even be money.
But there usually has to be SOMETHING that you’ve invested.
Investing with me could not be simpler. You can try out a FREE TASTER workout.
It’s one that many people have paid for – coming directly from the member’s group.
Just contact me below and say Free Taster Please and it’s yours TODAY.
And then if you love it, you simply pay £15 to join and get as many workouts in a month as you want, of all types.
And that’s you, looking and feeling FABULOUS without dieting.  Increasing your self-confidence without going to the gym.
And investing in yourself, your well-being, and your future .. for less than the price of a cup of tea every day.
What price do you put on your own health?