Always a good starter and never completing? Maybe it’s diet or just about you getting fit?  If that’s you you’re not alone, especially at this time of year – it’s now February and those good intentions and new year resolutions may be starting to fade.  I can help you in today’s article.  WARNING, what I say may offend some. 


A “diet” by definition is just a way of eating. But we use the word mostly to mean a way of eating which is in some way restrictive.  And it’s that last bit – RESTRICTIVE – which is the key here. 
What happens when I tell you not to think about a yellow elephant? 
You immediately see the yellow elephant, of course. 🐘
So what happens when I suggest that you don’t eat chocolate or have wine??  
Yep – you know it.  You possibly want chocolate and wine even more than you did before. 
Telling a person not to do something is well documented as a sure-fire way of making them want to try.   
Much like the Big Red Button idea …  you just have to press it, of course!  It brings out the inner child immediately.