
Does this sound like you?  Do you have these symptoms?

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Feeling despondent
  • Lacking in confidence.
  • Starting things and not finishing them.
  • Always seeing the worst.
  • Find it difficult to be Optimistic. ​​​​​​​

I meet many people who say they have one or more of those symptoms.  If it’s you, then you may I have what I call

Flat Tyre Syndrome!   

Luckily, this is not life-threatening.
But it can seriously affect both your effectiveness in what you do in work and leisure.
And it can also make you pretty unhappy too.  Read on to find out how to recognize if you have it.

Here’s an example

Picture this.  You’ve spent ages choosing a holiday.  You are so looking forward to it, visualizing what it’ll be like when you’re there.
You’ve planned what you’ll see and do. You can’t wait to see some new people, new places, maybe get some sun.
At last, some downtime and you’re finally getting away on your hols.
You’ve treated yourself to some new clothes. You’ve carefully organized, packed your cases and everything is now in the car.   You’ve set alarms so that you get up in time ready to go. You’ve checked the traffic, all is well.  It’s all set.
Everything is going to plan. The Flight’s on time.  The roads are clear.
Then …
the car gets a flat tire. 😱😱😱
So what do you do?
Do you just chuck everything out of the car in a strop …. hit the steering wheel … swear, curse, cry  …. and head home saying…
 “I just can’t do this” ??
Do you just give up?
Of course, you don’t.
It’s a massive pain, but you get the tire mended as soon as you can and continue on your route as quickly as you can.

So what’s that got to do with ME?

Here’s the thing. At this time of the year many people just like you are getting back on track with their health and fitness. It’s the start of  Autumn and it’s all systems go towards Christmas.  Post pandemic weight loss and losing the Lockdown Stone are massive at the moment. Gyms and classes are now open and everything is there for you to get yourself back in shape.   (You might even still be working on last year’s New Years Resolution which, maybe, didn’t go too well at the time?)
To start with this can all go brilliantly.   But then – something might put a spanner in the works.
Maybe someone is ill and needs looking after.
You use poor weather as an excuse.
The nights are dark – you stay in.
Or you get Covid.
You’re suffering from Long Covid.
Perhaps work is really busy and you’ve no time for yourself.
Or your friends no longer want to go to classes or walking with you.
There may be all sorts of pressures on you.
When that happens – that “flat tire” thing – it is SO important to recognize it.
See it for what it is.    Do not just give up!
Shrug it off.
And work towards continuing with your weight loss and fitness journey as quickly and painlessly as you possibly can.   Your Goal meant enough to you to want to start.   It probably still means the same now.

Here’s a FREE Workout to help you back on track.

Sometimes, when Flat Tyre Syndrome flares up, it’s best to just GET EXERCISING.
Doing something active, something physical, getting some exercise is good for you and your brain.  It helps reset your mood, regulates your hormones, sharpens your Intention.
You’ll feel almost immediately better.  Your resolve to be successful with fitness and weight loss will be shiny and bright again.
Here’s another FREE WORKOUT to get you started again.