
That’s me in my early days – 1990’s, Rhyl Leisure Centre.

Do you remember those “Confessions of  ….” films in the 1970s?

There were a bit cheeky – rude – so I was never allowed to go see them as I was a bit too young.

Well, that’s what this is.  Confessions of a Weight Loss Coach.

So many funny or weird things have happened in the 25+ years I’ve been teaching fitness. WARNING. You might find the first one rather shocking.

It was a weekday winter’s evening, it was dark and I was teaching a busy Aerobics class at a local School.  And we had a Flasher at the door.  (yes …. it was a primary school … omg).

I had turned away from my ladies to adjust my music.  (It was ages ago, I was using cassette tapes then).

In that time he appeared at the door, exposed himself, and then ran.  So I turned back to my class to see about 30 very very shocked faces.

I’d missed it! Obviously, the Police were called; we were advised to leave in pairs that night.

I gather the “gentleman” was apprehended a day or so later doing something even worse in the local town.

Another time I was teaching a Bums & Tums class at a Leisure Centre.  It was busy, with around 45 women in it, most over the age of 40 like me.

Then someone walked in with a man.   This was unusual …almost always my sessions are full of ladies.   He looked a bit like this …. (yeah, in St Asaph) …

This wasn’t just a man. This was a God.

He looked like a flippin athlete. Clad in electric blue lycra, he was very muscly and totally gorgeous.

Absolutely every woman in that room was smiling at me as I smiled back – oh we all knew he was there! That was a very very interesting atmosphere in the class that night!

Confessions of a Weight Loss Coach - Bug

A few years back I was teaching at Feeling Fabulous Club in Trefnant. One of the ladies suddenly started scratching and pulling at her clothes.

Then she suddenly pulled her leggings down!

Turned out there was an EARWIG inside her lycra.   Eeeew.

Confessions of a Weight Loss Coach - braThen there was the comedy moment when we were in the middle of an intensive Circuit Training class at St Asaph Leisure Centre. It was a mixed fitness session, lots of jumping around.

In mid-jump, someone’s bra-strap broke, with disastrous consequences.

There was a scream, then lots and lots of laughter from her friends.

I was bullied once by a school caretaker.  That was unpleasant.  She worked in a local school  – this was decades ago when I first started out as a newbie fitness instructor. She had a massive go at me for

NOT flushing the toilets

NOT checking the taps

NOT closing the cubicle doors

and NOT turning the loo light off when I closed up. (none of that was my job btw).

She had me shaking in my boots as she berated me in front of some of the ladies

(I was young – not good at confrontation).

Thankfully my amazing customers made a complaint about her to the School Head afterward, so I felt vindicated.

Then there was the plumber.  I was with a Personal Training client, working with her at her home.  She was in a down-dog position … we both were …. bottoms up, shining our lycra-clad butt cheeks towards the kitchen.

I had no idea the washing machine repairman was in there.

As I looked through my own legs I saw the man appear, do a double-take, blink hard and then retreat fast.

My client nearly exploded with laughter.    We didn’t do much after that.   It was quite a moment.  That lady was absolutely brilliant to work with (she knows who she is).

I could think of so many more.  From window cleaners to fights to fancy cakes.  There’s never a dull moment as a north wales fitness professional!

Maybe you were involved in one of them?  Please let me know NOW and maybe I will another installment of this Blog.  Or maybe you’ve your own funny story about something that happened in YOUR fitness or Zumba class?

Talk to me here.