Stop doing this if you want weight loss

Stop doing this if you want weight loss

If you want to be smaller, more trim, more toned, feel younger, and have more energy, then there is one thing you need to stop doing right now. Stop thinking about weight loss! Thinking about weight loss all the time, with no other Goal, means it almost certainly will...
Weight Loss in a Pandemic

Weight Loss in a Pandemic

So here’s a question. Is it possible to lose weight & get fit in a pandemic?  Well, this picture says it all ….. NOW is the time to start if you want to look & feel fabulous, confident, energy-boosted, every time you look in the mirror. Lockdown or...
5 Fantastic Ways to Refocus for Weight Loss

5 Fantastic Ways to Refocus for Weight Loss

My Stay Gorgeous ladies and I had an interesting discussion about this on Monday.  I thought I’d share the upshot, as it might be useful to you too. Many of us feel like we’ve lost direction, purpose and motivation.  What with holidays, lockdown, Covid and...
Use just one rule for weight loss

Use just one rule for weight loss

  USE JUST ONE RULE   Just operating under this One Rule can help to solve so many issues. Snacking between meals Cravings (because you have time to think before you snack) Indigestion Mindless eating Empty calorie consumption. Use it for 1 week starting NOW, and let...