The Most Important Thing for Weight Loss

The Most Important Thing for Weight Loss

Believe it or not, giving up wine, chocolate or takeaways are not the first things that you should do when you start your health and fitness journey. There’s the first step to take which many miss out, with disastrous consequences of weight loss failure down the...
I thought walnuts were healthy

I thought walnuts were healthy

I quite often get asked all sorts of questions about exercise, diet, and what’s good and not good to eat or drink. I received this message recently, from someone working out what’s good and what’s not good to eat as part of a healthy diet. It’s...
Change just 1 word for weight loss over 40

Change just 1 word for weight loss over 40

We all learn, and we all have breakthroughs. I had one just 3 days ago after I had an online chat with another motivational coach.  She gave me a brilliant tip on weight loss over 40 which I’m now sharing with you. Only last week I suggested avoiding the use of...
Self care is Un – Beautiful

Self care is Un – Beautiful

“SELF CARE is often a very unbeautiful thing” When I read this piece it made me feel genuinely changed.  It’s such an interesting quote – almost a hypnotic read. It really made me THINK.  Please read on … “Self-care is making a...
Fixing her Chocolate Habit

Fixing her Chocolate Habit

One of my ladies just upgraded to the “Gamechanger” level in my VIP Accountability Bubble.  That means she gets the Workouts AND she gets my 1-1 guidance too. We had a 30 min chat. During that time we discussed the nitty-gritty detail of what goes wrong...