How can I stop this awful bloating?

How can I stop this awful bloating?

Your belly/abs/tummy/waist whatever you want to call it can be a problem area.  The jelly belly might be one thing for women over 45.  But bloating can make this feel so much worse, with many middle-aged women saying that by the end of the day they look like...
Free Workout – Now

Free Workout – Now

 “Back to Basics”  No complicated stuff. Just a great little workout that you can take at your own level to help you get that QuickStart into feel good this week.   Here’s your Link which you can use as often as you want. September is a GREAT time to...
Tips For Beating Tiredness

Tips For Beating Tiredness

So many are suffering from tiredness at the moment.  There may be many demands on you, and you feel time-short. We are all so “busy” with everything, all the time.  Lockdown for months has taken its toll on lifestyles, leaving new damaging habits which may...