Back on track FAST!

Back on track FAST!

The nights are drawing in and the air is cooler.  Children are back in school.  Autumn is approaching. And with it, a TOTALLY BRILLIANT CHANCE to get yourself fit and fabulous. There are just 108 days left this year – wow, is that all?? Yes so now is the time to...
I can’t afford my Gym Membership

I can’t afford my Gym Membership

Let’s face it, Gym Membership can be expensive. Fitness class costs can all add up if you do a few sessions a week.  Yet you go to the gym and to classes to keep yourself in shape.   But now, with quickly rising energy and food bills, it might be time to...
Losing Weight the Wrong Way

Losing Weight the Wrong Way

A client told me recently that she had lost 4 stone (HURRAY!!).  She then told me that someone had told her that she had done this “the wrong way” and that she felt really BAD about this.  READ ON to find out what I said.   There are many ways to lose...


Maybe you or a friend have experience of an exercise or gym Horror Story, where everything goes wrong. I had a call the other day with someone who did. I’m sharing it with you today just to show you what can happen if you work with the wrong person.   Many...
The Most Important Thing for Weight Loss

The Most Important Thing for Weight Loss

Believe it or not, giving up wine, chocolate or takeaways are not the first things that you should do when you start your health and fitness journey. There’s the first step to take which many miss out, with disastrous consequences of weight loss failure down the...