by Noelle Watson | Feb 27, 2020 | Blog
To Snack or not to Snack? That is the question. Whats the answer? If a Martian came to earth and attempted to understand our nutritional needs by visiting a supermarket, they would be fooled. They would think that Snacks are essential to our health. The shops are full...
by Noelle Watson | Feb 21, 2020 | Blog
“I just wish I could lose this stone, and make a real change”😤 Weight loss is what SO many want. I hear it at work, in the pub, at the hairdressers, on the street, in the changing rooms, out at dinner, on holiday, at the supermarket, with clients on the phone ….....
by Noelle Watson | Feb 9, 2020 | Blog
Which one is best? Well – neither. I do not believe in either of them. I think they do a great job, for some. But for many they don’t. Many go to Weight Watchers or Slimming World – sometimes for years – and achieve not very much. But its a...
by Noelle Watson | Feb 9, 2020 | Blog
This is Steph. Its fair to say her motivation now is spot on. 🏆🏆 LOOK what she’s done … and is still doing with us at Feeling Fabulous Club. (love this lady!!). All she needed to achieve her 7+ stone weight loss is summed up here in these 3 key things to...
by Noelle Watson | Jan 25, 2020 | Blog
This may not sit well with you, but it’s something that you need to know. So I’m just going to come out and say it. The way I see it they are insulting your intelligence. Who are “they”? THEY are the talking heads you see on TV And the people you see on social media....