
Golden Rules Of Weight Loss

I really LOVE September.
The main holiday season is ending, and people are starting to think about the remaining 4 months of the year.
It feels like a new term, a fresh start.  And this is good!
You can really use it as a springboard, after the excesses of holidays, or to tackle any Lockdown weight gain.
It’s a great time to really get Back To Basics with health, fitness and weight loss.
Follow my 5 Golden Rules of Weight Loss.  These are set in stone.
  • The maths of weight loss.
  • Fire up your motivation.
  • What to eat/drink
  • What’s the best sort of exercise for tone and weight loss.
  • Get Support.

Maths of Weight Loss 

Energy in – energy out.  That’s the way your body works.  If you eat/drink more energy (calories) than you burn up,  the extra will be stored as fat on your body.
Once it’s there, your body loves to keep it there for a rainy day.
We are hard-wired to do this. It’s rooted in our stone-age ancestry when food was scarce, and we needed protection against starvation.

Fire Up Your Motivation 

You have to make a Change to make a Change. Our habitual human brains dislike change, as it perceives it as “difficult”, so you have to have a genuine reason to make you do it.
Knowing this is key.  You MUST have a “Reason Why” as your driver to successful weight loss and lifestyle change.
  • It can be how you look.
  • You want compliments back in your life.
  • You want to feel younger.
  • You have a big event looming.
  • For your health – perhaps the doctor has said you need to lose weight.
Everyone has a different drive helping them stay on track towards making changes day in, day out.  What’s yours?

What to Eat & Drink for Weight Loss 

  1. Eat plant-based and home-cooked as often as you can. Ideally 5+ times a week.
  2. Drop or reduce alcohol.
  3. Diets alone do not work for permanent weight loss.

How to Exercise for Weight Loss & Tone 

Easy.  Just find a form of activity that makes you smile and that you love. From bowling to trampolining to fitness classes, find something that feeds your soul. That way, you won’t make silly excuses not to do it – and you’ll want to do it often!

Anything that gets you up off the sofa, ideally outside, will help you change your body.

Getting active tones muscles, moderates appetite regulates hormones and will make you happier.

Get Support 

People rarely change lifetime habits without some support.  Seek this out.  Do things with a friend.
Ask friends and family to check in on you.
Keep progress journals.
Make star charts for yourself.
Join a group.   There are so many ways to help yourself.
Remember, you have to make a Change to make a Change.