Its time.  Here’s my Action Plan to combat the adverse aging effects of lockdown.
This will work.
This will make you feel better.
This will help you tone up, feel less flabby, think more positively, and feel more in control.This will bring your Sparkle back.  Read on to be an Action Taker.
Lockdown Ageing - how to Combat it
  8 Key anti-aging Tools for the next 3 Weeks
  • Give up / reduce alcohol.  2 days a week max.
  • Get outside every day for a walk, even if it’s only 5 mins. NO excuses.
  • Every day take a “breath meditation.”  Just stop.  Breathe in count 1, Breathe out, count 2.  And repeat, repeat, repeat.
  • Eat healthy 80% of the time – plant-based, home cooking from scratch.
  • Stop snacking.  We don’t need it if we eat properly.
  • Get some proper pulse-raising and weight-bearing exercise 2-3x weekly.  You know you can get this from me online for just 50p a day. 
  • Drink more water.  It’s good for wrinkles and energy levels, amongst other things.
  • Every day, find something you are grateful for.  However small.   Think about exactly why it’s good. Appreciate what you have.
It’s up to you to make the changes.  My advice is, start NOW and do all of the above for just 3 weeks.   Do this if you look & feel 5 years older today.