There’s a lot going on out there.
Firstly there’s Christmas literally just around the corner. You’re probably busy and preoccupied with that so maybe not exercising as much as you should.  Plus it brings its obvious wining and dining events which can cause big weight gain issues.
And secondly, there’s Omicron. As Covid peaks, you might feel that gyms and classes are not for you at the moment.  Indeed, it might even mean that your classes or gym have to actually close in the near future.
By January you might feel fatter, more stressed, and less in control than you are now. Omicron plus Christmas might mean disaster for your emotional and physical health, wellness, and fitness.   
Fear not.  I’m here to help. 
Preventing dreaded Christmas Weight Gain has to be one of the easiest things in the world to solve.  You can do it now, with NO EXERCISE. It costs nothing.  And might even actually save you money. 
We know that the average Brit can consume up to 6000 calories on Christmas Day. (Thats’ just the one day – for some people, Christmas lasts for many days).  That coupled with the change in lifestyle that happens over Christmas can create a waistline disaster.   
Over Christmas, normal lifestyle rules change.
It’s accepted to have wine for breakfast. 
High-calorie meals are expected … it wouldn’t be Christmas without roast potatoes and Christmas pudding! 
Overindulgence is often part of Christmas. 
Sitting more and moving less is normal over the festive period. 
And snacking all day on the lovely treats in the house can happen for days. 
The problem may not really reveal itself in early January when you try to get into your usual jeans or work clothes. Right after Christmas clothes can feel too tight.
Do you want to avoid that hated Muffin Top this year? 
Maybe yours had gone and – on Jan 1st – it’s back.  Or maybe you have been trying all year to get rid of it and been (so far) unsuccessful. 
One thing is for sure.  Christmas can directly cause weight gain. 
So what can you do about it?  
Here’s my one tip. Follow it and it WILL HELP.   You can avoid gaining weight over Christmas, whilst still having a great time.  This weight loss tip involves NO EXERCISE.   And this Christmas weight-loss hack will even save you money.  
🎄Don’t start your household Christmas eating & drinking until Christmas Eve. 
And finish it on Boxing Day.🎄 
It really can be as simple as that.  It’s what I’ll be doing this year. 
Enjoy those 3 days.  Then stop! 
You will feel like a Goddess on January the 2nd, trust me! 
I have a brand new 3 Day FREE CHALLENGE starting in
January 2022.  Here’s just a teaser, Get this in your diary now. 
  • Get 3 BRAND NEW WORKOUTS just for your butt!
  • Learn how to shape up for the year ahead – in just 10 mins a day. 
  • AND Lifestyle Coaching tips every day. 
  • FREE. 
If you want me to send you more info just contact me
and say ME ME ME.   I will add you to the list so you get more info as soon as it’s released.
Do it now.
Then you can enjoy Christmas knowing you are taking care
of your Rear in the New Year.