Here’s a bit of my story, currently happening in my own life.  Before we moved house I had every intention of doing yoga at home, as I’m not teaching Feeling Fabulous Club 3x weekly.
But it’s been 8 weeks and I still haven’t started.
You’ll never guess what excuse I find myself making NOT to do what I planned!!
I knew it would take me a while to settle into a routine at our new place, get it sorted and the house running properly.  But realistically, that was all done 2 weeks ago.  This should be MY TIME.
I should have started my own fitness.
And I haven’t!
I need to do what I tell my clients to do and make myself accountable.    So I’m making myself accountable to YOU and the world, by promising to check on my progress with you through my weekly Blog.
Many women – me included, do this thing where we put other “stuff” before our own needs. For many its caring for family members, children, parents, or animals.  Or perhaps work of course. Or social commitments.  So many of us have so many reasons/excuses not to exercise.
Personally, initially, I was putting the tidiness of the house ahead of my own fitness and health. This house was winning.  Now that is completely crackers, and it has to stop.
The next thing I would ask a client is “what’s the inner conversation you have with yourself … what are the words in your head which justify why you’re not doing what you need to do”.
So I ask myself, “Why Noelle, are you not just getting started like you said you would?”
I found the answer.

I found my bottleneck.

For me, it’s the getting changed into exercise clothes thing. I have to get changed in and out of lycra very regularly in my work. It’s the only part of my job which I don’t like, as it’s just a faff.  It’s my own personal fight with lycra.
Lycra on/ lycra off.
(I sometimes dream of a job where I can actually just wear the same clothes all day haha).
So I didn’t get started because this was yet another time when I’d need to get changed.  Crazy, but that’s it.
So here’s my commitment to myself.
NOW I will get changed an hour before I have a Personal Training client. I’ll do my own exercise then, so my own workout and my client’s workout, are all done with only 1 outfit change.
Watch this space to see if it works!
How about you?  What’s your excuse?  I’d love to hear and let’s see if we can sort our YOUR bottleneck!