
Which one is best?

Well – neither.  I do not believe in either of them.  I think they do a great job, for some.  But for many they don’t. Many go to Weight Watchers or Slimming World  – sometimes for years – and achieve not very much.

But its a common belief. You have to go to a Slimming Club, like Weight Watchers or Slimming World, to lose weight.

But – honestly – you don’t.

If you think that, ask yourself this.

WHY do you believe it?

Is it because all your friends go – and get great results?
Or you’ve seen the ads on telly and in the magazines?
Maybe its what your Mum did?

Perhaps every other thing you tried didn’t work and you see it as the only way to get back in control?



I have no wish to offend those who are dedicated slimming club Leaders. They’ve got their results, and now they love to inspire others.

That’s no different to me.

BUT, with respect, they are neither motivation specialists nor experienced fitness (or medical) professionals. And I believe you need to be both of these things to help people solve an overweight or obesity issue.

Many many of Brits attend these organisations – which have consequently become global brands. If slimming clubs worked, we should all be athletes, in the best shape of our lives. But still we get fatter as a nation.

Who do you trust?

An organisation who will effectively encourage you to become dependent upon their brand? An organisation which will charge you money to stand on a scale whilst people clap?

Or someone who will teach you how to
…. live your life to the full
…. bring back full health and vitality
….. look after your emotional well being
…..AND lose weight without dieting?

Here’s what to do instead of joining a Slimming Club:

1. Set yourself a realistic Goal – how much in how long.

2. Get support – friends, family, work, a professional

3. Find an activity that you like – and you know you’ll do. Doesnt have to be for long. But something every day is good. Like a short walk at lunchtime

4. Take photos on Day 1.

5. Decide which “treats” in your day you can do without, an drop them.

6. Then just START!

Think of the money you could save!