
The atmosphere is changing.  People’s priorities are changing.  I think the nation’s focus is changing.

Wants and goals that might have been relevant 12 months ago are not totally irrelevant.
I think, at last, some people are starting to ask the most important questions of all …. questions about their actual LIFE (rather than about the dress that they may or may not fit into next weekend).
And that means it’s time for this…

Do you have a goal of being ALIVE for your daughter’s WEDDING…?

The change in peoples’ mindsets over the last year has changed so much. Pre, dare I say it… COVID, I would ask potential weight loss clients,  What are your current goals…?

Most would reply they want to lose weight and look better…not much mention of health and family. Maybe they have a wedding coming up or a holiday.

But this last year, how things have changed!

Weight Loss Bucket List

People now care more for their HEALTH. They care more for their EMOTIONAL well-being too.

They want to be fit, happy, and healthy to make sure they are around to love, support, and have fun with their family for years to come!

Do they care about looking great and being confident in the pub, on the beach, in photos?

OF COURSE, they still do!!  They want to look and feel totally gorgeous when Lockdown ends, so their friends just say, “Wow”!

But it seems it’s no longer many folks’ main focus.

Now here’s the thing –

What I’ve found is that people who focus on “looking good for a special occasion such as a holiday or a wedding” have a higher chance of two things happening.  And neither are good.

1. A higher chance of not getting what they want.

2.  And a higher chance of putting a load of weight back on.

But why is this?

It’s because they’re doing it for ALL the wrong reasons!

I get it  –  you want to be looking your very best on your special day, but if you think you’re gonna work as hard as possible up to that date and then stop right afterward, then your results will be short-lived.

People often say this –

“I was in the best shape of my life for my wedding, but now 2 years later, I’m in the absolute worst shape of my life, and I feel so ashamed”.


I’m really hoping that a positive comes from this COVID situation, and it helps people think differently from now on.

If you start to think…

I want to be able to climb Mount Fuji in 10 years when I retire.


I want to be in good health & looking fabulous to walk my daughter down the aisle when she is ready (maybe 10+ years from now)

It will make you stop – think –  and – rethink…

What’s most important?

You will look at your health, nutrition, and exercise from a different and long-term perspective!

And all the choices you make between now and then will decide whether you will be able to do it.

BUT  there’s also a MAGIC SIDE EFFECT those long-term goals.

You will look better, feel more confident, and actually achieve all those short-term goals that you were almost ignoring before.


Set some real “Bucket list” goals today and think way past simply looking good for the next beach, party, or invite.  Could you send them to me?  I’d love to see them!!