
Emotional Health During Lockdown

I have over 3000 Facebook friends.  Yet most days I speak to no one except my family.  Its easy in todays world to feel connected … and at the same time to feel very very lonely.  Here’s 5 more quick and easy ways to stay happy, positive and emotionally strong during these very difficult times.

  1. SET YOUR TIMETABLE.  You decide when you’re working and when you’re not.  Be rigid.  Try not to blur the lines.  Turn off notifications on your phone for work emails and messages.  Turn off the work devices and apps.
  2. MAKE A FULL STOP.   You used to have a journey home that did that.  Now, try to develop an activity that helps you to stop working.  Maybe a change of clothes. Or a shower?  Or a walk at the end of the day.
  3. Take regular BREAKS.  Schedule these with reminders, and stick to them.  Your productivity will improve this way.
  4. If you’re unhappy with your WEIGHT, set up your work station away from “snacky” areas like the kitchen.   Set proper meal times. Eat healthily and regularly, 3x every day with a great breakfast, healthy wholefood lunch, and a good high protein evening meal.
    And get more active!
  1. CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK.  Because of the times we are in, its unlikely that you will be as clear-headed, and get as much done as you might have done before.  Be realistic in what you expect of yourself.
  2. Get HUMAN CONTACT.  Talk to people.  Say hello.  Connect … socially distanced of course.   From the postie, to the supermarket checkout and the neighbours.  Make contact. Speak to real live faces.
  3. SEE & HEAR PEOPLE.   If you need to contact someone digitally, its better to either phone them or get them on a video call.  Its more personal. Its better for our brains.  Humans are social creatures.
  4. HAVE FUN with FAMILY &  FRIENDS. Connect for a giggle.  Themed evenings.  Online games.  Fancy dress competitions.  Treasure Hunts.   Use your imagination and let the banter begin.Seek out others my friends…..

Shoutout To Everyone