
I’ll be honest and admit that the best way to improve your health, happiness, de-stress,  and maybe lose weight, is to find an activity or exercise format that you enjoy.

Do anything that gets you on your feet.
Do anything that makes your smile broader.
Do anything that makes you feel better afterward.

In normal times – pre-covid – the choice would be huge.  But even today, you’ve got all these socially distanced ways to exercise: walking, running, cycling, home workouts, playing with the dog, gardening, a DIY project  …

All of these activities will give you energy and a feel-good factor within minutes. If done regularly, they will result in lasting improvements in weight, waistline, and mood.

If it’s actually FUN, you’ll do it for itself … rather than doing it under protest for a short-term weight loss goal.

But then there’s THIS. The thought behind today’s blog.  Is this the Game-Changer? 🤣🤣

The tale of me and a scrubbing brush

Last Sunday, I decided our pine table was dirty.  It needed a good clean.

So I set to with a proper old-school scrubbing brush, and within 20 mins and plenty of elbow grease, it looked so much better.  Job is done!

As you know, I regularly work out, and I like to think that my body is quite fit and strong, and not much will touch it.  The 20mins scrubbing thing …. yeah, I got hot, but it was fine.

But the day after …. OMG ….. it really had hit muscles in a whole new way.   What a fantastic workout.

I can’t say it’s a “workout that I loved.”   But flippin’ heck, it was effective. And it was a short workout too, so ideal for busy people.  Haha.  Totally recommended!

Do you think I can include it in my Live Workouts with the Noelle group? 😁