There’s no such thing as a healthy weight. Only a HEALTHY BODY. So said “European Scientist” and I agree. Think about it. How do you define “healthy weight”?
There are so many ways.
BMI – body mass index. This is the old fashioned hip / waist ratio many doctors use. It works for most of us, but takes no account of muscle mass. So a big super-fit guy, say a rugby player, would read as “obese”.
BODY COMPOSITION – the % of body fat we have.
This is one of my preferred measures for my ladies, especially in conjunction with photos and NSVs. But it needs special bio-electrical impedance scales which can be costly. Its also an electronic thing which measure total body water, so is prone to error due to variations in hydration.
HWR – Hip Waist Ratio.
This is the relationship between your waist measure and your hip measure. It’s a calculation to find out how “apple-shaped” we are. The theory is that a larger waist than hips indicates a health risk, because more of the weight is around the vital organs. Its kinda visual. Life Insurance companies might ask you for these measures to work out your life expectancy. Takes zero account of muscle mass, variations in physique or activity levels.
Then there’s our daily movement. The mythical 10,000 steps goal which, allegedly, is unscientific and arbitrary. We can be overweight, healthy, underweight, or ill … and still do the 10k steps.
All of the above can be negated if nutrition isn’t spot on. In my opinion, you might be a fine, toned, gym bunny with perfect stats. But if you’re eating rubbish food, or chemical laden supplements and meal replacements, or obsessions about exercise or your shale, then you yourself are not a “healthy person”
I’m not condoning the “Do Nothing” approach.
We know we are in the midst of an obesity epidemic, so clearly many folks are way too heavy. This article isn’t me condoning those who have an overweight issue to do nothing about it.
But what weight should they get down to??
There is no such thing as a healthy weight. No ideal goal. If you yourself are striving for a particular weight goal and its just not coming PLEASE read on.
The Big Picture is not complex.
There is no such thing as a Healthy Weight. Only a Healthy Human.
I believe a healthy human being is regularly active, has energy, motivated, stable weight, with a healthy attitude to both exercise and food.
They enjoy exercise – it makes them feel good.
They love good food, and can tell the difference between good food and less good food. they know food and drink are to be enjoyed, not a treat nor a punishment. They eat mostly according to need.
The healthy human also has mental / emotional strength and clarity. They know their strengths and weaknesses. They have goals, wants, desires.
But they still have that nugget of happiness deep within them, thankful for what they have.
The human body is an incredible thing which never ceases to amaze me. And a healthy human is a wonderful thing which evolves, matures and ages. And, I believe, is never really complete. (phew).
What do YOU think?