
How to Become Naturally Slim

March 5, 2021
by Noelle Watson
So it’s March.

⚡️New month

⚡️New desires

⚡️New energy

⚡️New beliefs

You’re probably reading this because you want a change in the way you look or feel.  Maybe you’ve gained weight in lockdown. Or you feel a bit frumpy or flabby.  Or you just don’t feel you “YOU” anymore – you’ve lost your sparkle.

How to Become Naturally Slim

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

I know you know the sayings.  But here’s the clincher question.  Are you doing anything to actually change your weight, health, fitness, and the way you feel about yourself right now?

I mean, are you actively looking for a new strategy, a new diet, a course, a class, or a miracle where you get to lose a stone quickly and easily, and it stays off?

And does that search feel impossible – like you’ve tried everything (lost weight and put it back on again) –  like you’re looking for that holy grail of health and wellness – to become a naturally slim person?

Let me save you a whole heap of money and effort here.

The core of change comes from within. 

Waiting for something outside of you to fix your life is misguided.

When you dig deep within, everything outside of you shifts.

Here’s what I mean. I hear these things all the time –
“I can’t stop thinking about food ……”

“I am trying to lose weight…….”

I challenge you to consider this.

You don’t have to ‘try’ to have a glass of wine, a cocktail, a doughnut, a cream cake,
chocolate, whatever your preference. (Go on have a giggle because you know I’m right!)

When you WANT something to happen, to do something, to eat something, to drink something …  then you’re committed. The decision is already done!

And it’s the power of that decision that triggers change.

I suggest you just DECIDE to change.
Think of everything that you have to gain by changing.

Take it in tiny steps.  I’m working with a couple of clients at the moment who are taking things half a day at a time.

In just TWO weeks of working out with me, all this could happen.

💥 Lose 8lb, like the woman below.

💥 Sleep better for the first time in literally years, like Lynne said she had

💥 Feel off the scale excited that now you have the weapons to get back on track with your weight and fitness.

💥 Start to feel less flabby and more toned.

All this after just TWO weeks, imagine what will happen by week FOUR?

If you know you’ve got limiting beliefs, past failures, lack of knowledge, personal or health issues that are stopping you  (you just know it, feel it) …

Becoming fitter, healthier, more positive, and in control doesn’t have to be an uphill battle – you just have to let go of what doesn’t work. And start doing things that DO WORK based solely on doing things that make you FEEL GOOD.  Even if those things are small.

If you need help with your weight, fitness, your inner-most thoughts, your waistline, I can definitely help.