I reckon we all have.😪
A bit of crying. Disturbed sleep. Concern about my family – husband, daughters and their partners, brother and sister in law, mum, in-laws and friends.
Its tough. Its pretty easy to spiral downwards when all that we held as easy daily habits and manageable in our lives suddenly change.
I see it like an alien invasion – everyone on our planet is affected, regardless of status, income, race, colour, sex, age.
We hear of deaths.
We hear of recoveries.
We hear of vulnerable people who either recover, or not.
We hear of fit people … who do not recover.
We hear of other countries in a worse state than our own.
We hear horror stories.
We hear other peoples’ dramas.
But none of that helps me.
I try to distance myself largely from these stories. What helps me more is this. …
I try to stop worrying about the stuff I have lost – like an income, or access to loo roll.
I am now trying to focus every day on the things I can do which are GOOD and make me – personally – feel better.
That in turn gives me energy to help others who are struggling.
One thing I’m doing is teaching online. I LOVE to help others feel like I do.
I am giving away a lot of my time with free workouts to my ladies … and every Tuesday at 6pm too.
But last night I became really quite upset at something silly.
and it WAS silly. So this morning – after a rubbish night – I used one of the techniques I give to my ladies.
That is “The Pivot”.
Its easy in principle. A bit tougher to put into practice. It goes like this …
* Lets say you’re in a dark place
* Feeling low (not ill btw)
* Think about exactly how you feel.
* You name the emotion that you have – dig deep!
* Once you name it, ask yourself if its helpful to feel it.
* Then decide that its not helping.
180% away from it.
Decide on a better emotion.
Gratitude is a great one at the moment.
NOTE: Unless you are genuinely ill, fearful, struggling with grief, in a rage or clinically depressed or anxious, this IS possible. Try it!!
PS you will be cynical. you will think you cannot. Just try saying “I CAN” and just find a positive and have a go.