
What you THINK is so important ….. and could be the cause of initial weight gain. Your inner beliefs about yourself are the mainstay of all that you do … and all that you think that you can do.

Do you have Damaging Beliefs?

But a Belief is quite simply just a thought that you continue to think. Beliefs are not necessarily true. It’s just that if we hear something enough times we start to believe that it is true.

What we Believe is simply a product of what other people have told us …. our parents, teachers, friends, family, TV, etc.  Some of what we believe will be good.  For example, that our mums love us, and that the sun will come up tomorrow.  Those are all good Beliefs.

But other things that we believe about ourselves may be massively damaging.  You may for example believe that you are always going to be overweight, or that you are ugly, or stupid, worthless, or without value.   (None of these will be true btw).

These Damaging Beliefs are effectively “poisoning” your brain, and causing you to act in a certain way.   In my experience, I hear about so many ill-founded beliefs from my ladies.  Have you ever been guilty of saying something like this…?
“I’m too fat to exercise”

“I will always have to comfort eat”

Exercise hurts me

“I have no time to get fit and healthy”

“Healthy food is too expensive”

“I can never lose weight and keep it off”
But there is an “antidote” to this damage.  Read on.

 Here’s what to do about Damaging Beliefs
  • Get a big piece of paper. Or work on the computer. You will need to be able to write in 3 big columns.
  • Write down all the negative beliefs that you have in the first column.
    Don’t judge. Let them flow. It might take a while.**Be warned, this will make you cry and feel terrible, so pick your moment.
    Trust me, it’s worth it.
  • Then, for each one, write down the source of that Belief in the middle column.  For some, you may not even know where it came from … in which case think carefully about why you even entertain it in your head.
  • Then, in the end, column, write the EXACT OPPOSITE.
    Write it in positive language, without using the word “not”.Write what you will be, not what you will not be.  This is the “Antidote”
  • DO THIS.  Every day for 1 whole month, read out loud ALL of the Antidotes.  Have them printed out around the house so that you see them every day too.————————————————————————————————————————–

  EXAMPLE of the 3 columns ….

  • DAMAGING BELIEF                  ORIGIN                        ANTIDOTE
  • I will always be fat.           My mum                I will one day be slimmer.
  • I am worthless                  Don’t know           I am the most valuable thing in my life
These lovely Positive Personal Affirmations – read out aloud from you to you  – will reset your brain like the best IOS system ever.  Just do it.
Attacking damaging beliefs and behaviors is key to success with weight loss and fitness change.  If you feel like you need more of my help lest arrange a free Call. I’d love to empower you to help yourself … and take even more of the right action.