We all learn, and we all have breakthroughs. I had one just 3 days ago after I had an online chat with another motivational coach.  She gave me a brilliant tip on weight loss over 40 which I’m now sharing with you.
Only last week I suggested avoiding the use of the word “can’t”.  I said to replace it with the word WILL.  That’s a powerful exercise in itself.
But now, just try this one too.
Instead of the word “can’t”, try using the word “won’t”.
I won’t exercise.
I won’t lose weight.
I won’t give up wine 3 days a week.
I won’t look after my body.
I won’t make any time for myself.
Depressing and grim huh??
Just that one change in the thoughts in your head can give you that reality check, and help you see your weight loss journey differently.
It’s all in the self-talk.  YOU can do this!!   Contact me here if you want a chat about exactly how I can help.