Many of you have asked me what you can do about your Cellulite. It’s that dimpled-looking, wobbly, lumpy skin that accumulates, usually around thighs. It’s harmless, but can be unsightly.  It’s caused by fatty tissue laid down deep in the skin pressing into other connective tissues.  Its thought to affect the majority of us women. The degree of it depends on your age, your body fat percentage, and your genes.
You can tell if you have it if, when you pinch a large area of your skin with 2 hands, the skin forms into areas of peaks and valleys. Some say it looks like cottage cheese texture.
It also gets worse as you age, because the connective tissues start to break down and the skin subsequently sags .. and then thins. A pretty poor picture really which can get you down.
But what can you do about it?
CELLULITE and what to do about it.

Firstly, let me say again that it’s harmless and normal to have cellulite. .  But there’s no “home cure”.   The only way to improve it is surgery by a qualified dermatologist/surgeon. They say, imagine a cushion with a button in the middle.  You can only stop the puckering if you cut the connection holding the button in place. And that’s basically what cellulite removal surgery does.

People try all sorts of massage, brushing, magic creams, and potions, some of which help for a while as they improve circulation. But without surgery, you cannot get rid of cellulite completely.

 5 Top Tips to Fight Cellulite
Whilst you cannot cure your cellulite, try my 5 top tips for 3 months to help it appear less prominent.
  1. Lose weight.
    Cellulite affects skinny and fat people (yes I have it too).  But it makes it look a whole lot worse if you are overweight.
  2. Get fitter.
    Using your muscles a lot builds them up.  And building lean strong lovely muscles help even out the skin’s appearance, making it appear firmer and more gorgeous.
  3. Drink enough water.
    If you’re dehydrated your body will store more water in the skin.  This can make it look even lumpier.  Drinking a small glass of water every couple of hours, and after exercise helps our skin stay even, elastic, and healthy- smooth.
  4. Eat more raw foods & whole food meals.
    Too many refined, over-processed, and “empty” calories result in weight gain, especially around cellulite-prone areas like thighs and bum.  Less refined foods will help your cellulite (not to mention all the other health benefits of eating real food more often).
  5. Finally, ditch the toxic habits.
    Smoking and overconsumption of alcohol both have very detrimental effects on your skin.  Every puff of a cigarette, every excess glass of wine will make your skin sag more.

You don’t have to do it all at once.  But every little step you make to improve your own health and fitness will also help your cellulite.  It’s an added bonus.TIP:  Take a photo of the offending areas at the start so you can monitor that Cellulite Zapping progress!.

Finally, click here for a gorgeous and incredibly easy snack to help with weight loss.