My live classes, Feeling Fabulous Club,  is now 11 years old  It was born out of desperation at a real low point for me – a very dark time indeed.   I’m happy to say it’s now one of the BEST things I’ve ever made to help people lose weight, tone up and feel fabulous. Read the story here! 
I started Feeling Fabulous Club when I got thrown out of the Leisure Centre.  Haha yes, it’s true.  That was one of the lowest points in my fitness career.


I had spent the previous 12 years building a VERY successful series of 5 weekly classes at the local Leisure Centre. Lots of you will remember those days of Bums, Legs & Tums classes, Aerobics (Aaah yes!)  AND, of course, the fun which was Circuit Training.
In those years I helped literally hundreds of people get fit and fabulous every single month.  
But then came the re-shuffle. 
The Leisure Centre changed its Policy and decided to host its classes “in-house” and freelancer fitness trainers like me were given notice. That was a dark day. I was devastated. 
But off I went, with my Boogie Box and my motivation.  I quickly found Trefnant Village Hall.  It was in a sorry state back then, needing lots of repairs, but I booked it anyway.  I reserved 2 mornings a week at 9.30am.  I christened it “Feeling Fabulous Club” and set up the System that people still get today, with recipes, and eating plan, motivation, weighing weekly,  and cracking classes. 
And people CAME! 
We had to put up with the Hall’s renovation work – dust, mess, workmen – as they brought the building into the 21st century with new and environmentally sustainable changes. I am SO pleased we hung in there.
Feeling Fabulous Club is now a one-of-a-kind system of weight loss and fitness for women 40+.  I LOVE it – and the ladies love it too!   I believe there is nothing else like this in the N Wales area.   
It gets amazing weight loss and fitness RESULTS  and makes people HAPPY! 


I have members who have been with me the whole time.  We now meet 3x weekly regular as clockwork. Every week they get support and weight loss accountability from me, as much or as little as they need. 
Every session is different so no one gets bored. We have many many different formats and class varieties. 
But in every class, the same things happen …..  I see people come in, often looking cold, or tired, sometimes, stressed, occasionally tearful, distracted with the pressures in their lives.
But then I see them leave 60 mins later, rosy-cheeked, smiling, and headed out to coffee with a group of others who they now know to be their friends.  
I LOVE my face-to-face classes, and I’m grateful every day for the people who come to them.     
You can get a FREE TASTER class here!