NO!  Please do not diet!  It’s just not the right thing to do.  We know that  DIET can get weight off – and sometimes quickly.
But to keep weight off it’s a lifestyle change that you need and ways to help yourself feel better to kickstart the process.
Find a new way of eating EVERY DAY which will not make you bored or obsess over food.
Discover a new way of exercising which fits in and makes you feel great cheaply.
Develop a whole new mindset so you feel more positive and less negative every time you wake up.
 Here’s a Better Way to Feel Good
Don’t diet this year. Chances are you’ve dieted before and it didn’t keep weight off for long – and maybe you even gained weight afterward, above your original start point.
Use some of these suggestions instead.
Here’s a selection of really easy and simple ways to make yourself FEEL BETTER FAST (in no particular order).
NOTE. Once you feel better you are 100% more likely to be in more control of your daily calorie intake … in other words, you’ll stop comfort eating and drinking due to stress.
I like the last one the best.
  1. Get outside every day – even if just for 10 mins.
  2. Have alcohol-free days.
  3. Eat breakfast – without sugar.
  4. Set yourself a task every day, and achieve it.
  5. Do something that makes you smile.
  6. Communicate with a real person.
  7. Do something not work-related.
  8. Have more screen-free time.
  9. Hug someone – even if it’s socially distanced!
  10. Have a good after-work plan.
  11. Plan when you’ll next see friends and family.
And try to love what you currently have.