

At the risk of being blindingly obvious, it’s coming. Christmas – aka  The Eating Festival –  is virtually upon us, with all its ups and downs.   So let’s just NOT ….  not get stressed, feel pressured, not go into debt, not gain weight, and not overeat so you regret it this year.

Here are 10 easy ways to Stay Fabulous in December.

It’s a big month in December. Lots of us have huge pressure to try to create the “perfect Christmas” for our families and to make sure everyone has fun. Many of us get stressed with the feeling of trying to give everyone “the perfect Christmas”.  Especially after last years’ Covid restrictions.   It can be a lot of work.Some people go into debt buying for their children and family.

Maybe you let their fitness and healthy eating slip when it’s cold outside, giving that feeling of lost control.

Or you find yourself indulging in all the food and drink with gusto, only to regret it next February when clothes still don’t fit due to a Christmas weight gain.

Or perhaps family has flown, or circumstances changed – and you might just wish for the opportunity to be able to do all of those things again.
My Top Tips for Staying Fabulous in December can help you stay on track with your health and fitness this December, minimize Christmas weight gain … and help you prepare to make your Christmas the best ever.

  1. MOOD RESET It’s dark. Very dark.  Get outside between the hours of 11 am – 2 pm for at least 5 minutes.  Raise your face to where the sun might be (!). Close your eyes. Soak up the light.  It resets the brain and helps counteract that “sad” syndrome that I think we all suffer from during these dark months.
  2. ROSY CHEEKS   Get your coat and hat on and go out and about.  Go to the beach. Climb a hill. Get wind-blown.  Take a friend. Take or borrow a dog. If in doubt, GO OUT!
  3. MONEY SAVER   Sometimes actions can speak louder than presents.  If money is tight, maybe the offer of doing someone a favor might be a good alternative to buying them an actual gift.  Perhaps doing some gardening, shopping, cleaning…?  Or an offer of a trip out? This works both ways – maybe you could ask people to do jobs for you if you don’t need anything these days.  I love this – it can be a real booster. 😊
  4. SMILE  Do something active that you enjoy every day in December.  Even if it’s just putting Abba on and jigging around like a Dancing Queen.  If it makes you smile and gets you up and moving, it’s good.
  5. BE SELFISH   Women are often not good at this. But during December, more than any other month, try to pamper yourself every day.   Separate yourself for a short while if you’re overcome with wrapping, or feeling stressed by people or events.  Whether it’s a wallow in a bath, a homemade manicure, a quiet moment away from the hubbub, or an exercise class, try to do something that calms you.
    Enjoy the moment too! Everyone will survive without you for a while.
  6. FRIENDS We all love to feel loved. Reach out and make the first move. Contact a friend. Just talk. Christmas is an ideal “excuse” if you need one. Someone once said it’s good to talk.
  7. FOOD & DRINK   Christmas food is notoriously rich, we know this.  Try to stay off it until Christmas Eve. Then leave it behind you after Boxing Day.   There’s actually a limit to how much “damage” you can do in just 3 days.
  8. ALCOHOL   Too much of this can leave you fuzzy, tired, pale, and regretful.  Alternate every alcoholic drink with sparkling water, and rehydrate as you go.  And apply Rule 7 too.
  9. TELLY     Limit TV time.  In fact, limit sitting downtime.  Just go and do 1-5 as above instead of screen time.
  10. PLAN AHEAD The key to success is planning.   Maybe plan what you need to get done before Christmas Day.  But also plan what you want to achieve AFTER Christmas when 2019 is shiny and new and that new leaf has just been turned.  Always look ahead.

Watch out for my New Year Offer – coming very soon.  Subscribe to my Newsletter, and follow me on Social Media if you don’t already.  Do not miss it!!