
The story of the scales

Forget what the scales say.  NSVs are the way to go when you’re getting fitter and healthier.  Weight loss is NEVER just about the scales.

Non-Scale Victories. 

The scales are “The Sad Step”,  after all.
Why do you need Non-Scale Victories?  That’s simple.  It’s because scales don’t tell the whole story….

The scales can’t show how you can now climb over a stile where you couldn’t before (like Margaret now can).

The scales won’t show how much you LOVE exercise classes (like Sue does).

The scales may not show how you’re now a size 10 (like Lisa is).

The scales may not show how much your energy has improved (like Jayne’s has).

The scales won’t show how much stronger you feel ( like R. must do now … she did 120 brilliant modified press-ups recently).

TIP.  Always look for all the ways in which your life, body, shape has improved regardless of what the dreaded Sad Step says!
  • Are you less puffed?
  • Clothes fitting better?
  • Perhaps sleeping better?
  • Maybe your legs and thighs are firmer?
  • Eating more healthily
  • Skin improved?
  • Is there less bloating?
  • Maybe you suddenly feel happier – less stressed?
  • You’re a nicer and calmer person?
  • Try flexing your biceps – are there muscles? 😊
Standing on the scales is part of the picture for sure.
But there’s more … so much more…
What’s your best NSV so far in your weight loss and fitness journey?

Sue’s Story

Look at all the ways that Sue gained. Having a healthy, balanced body and mind is always about so much more than what you weigh.Sue's Story
Sue wrote down her “Non Scale Victories” as she progressed through her 3 months with me.
Here to inspire you to weigh yourself less and look stay motivated with other improvements.

Non Scale Victories


Lost 9lb weight⭐️One of Sue’s goals was to be able to open the wardrobe and know 100% that everything fits her.
She will be doing this every morning now, as she’s 9lb down … in addition to all the lovely NSVs above.
I’m delighted. ⭐️