So how would you answer this question?  A Goal with Action is ….?
Heres 2 ways to keep warm
You know, saying that we want something is one thing. But actually doing something about it is another. They are poles apart.
And sadly, I see so many people rarely get past the first part when it comes to weight loss.
Let me give you an example. Mrs. J comes to me and says, “I really really want to lose this stone… just one stone.. that’s all”. 
But then she continues to do some or all of the following almost every day.
She buys food that tempts her.
She sits down every evening and stays there.
She continues to put too much of the wrong stuff into her mouth.
She still makes excuses not to exercise – weather, lockdown, time, tiredness, cost, effort.
She finds reasons not to join the one workout thing that could really help her get moving during this lockdown.
She doesn’t man-up and actually asks for help.
She thinks it won’t work for her.
She always feels like she will be unsuccessful with losing weight.
In other words, she never takes the right action. What she says and what she does do not actually match up.
Mrs. J. sadly will never manage to lose weight until this changes. Until she starts to act differently.
And let’s face it, a Goal without any Action is just Wishful Thinking.